It is shortly before midnight on Thursday achieved a large majority for the government’s far-reaching hastelov to contain the coronavirus. All parties in the Danish Parliament voted for the law.

the Law has been both made and lovbehandlet Thursday.

moves a range of powers from authorities to the incumbent minister of health, as is Magnus Heunicke (S).

the Government did not come through with its desire to hasteloven should give the authorities the opportunity to be able to get into people’s private homes without a court order, if there is suspicion of coronasmitte.

It was among other things, the government’s supporting parties Enhedslisten and The Radical against.

the Number of confirmed infected in Denmark Thursday has risen to 674 persons.

The rapidly growing numbers have led to hasteloven, which is temporary and valid up to 1. march 2021.

the FACTS: the Government proposes hastelov to contain corona

Here is an overview of a part of the content of the government’s proposals for a hastelov:

* in-patient care:

Health and ældreministeren may require the persons that are infected with coronavirus, or likely to be infected with corona virus, to let himself be examined by a doctor.

If the injunction is not followed, the member of the police sent to a doctor for examination. If necessary, the member of the police tvangsindlægges for observation in a hospital.

in Order to enforce the can authorities, without a court order gain access to the person’s home.

* the Possibility to prohibit the events and gatherings:

Health and ældreministeren may, in negotiation with the minister of justice to prohibit the organisation and participation in the larger meetings, events and events. This applies to both indoor, outdoor, public and private events.

for example, It may be general meetings, sports venues, concerts and the like.

the Prohibition of gatherings and events, however, must only be temporary and only as long as it is necessary to contain the disease.

* the Ability to shut down public institutions:

the Government proposes to insert a new provision in the epidemiloven, which makes it possible to introduce a ban on access to public institutions. For example, it may be libraries, and swimming pools.

* shut-off areas:

the Government also proposes that health and ældreministeren may direct that there shall be shut-off of an area where a universally dangerous disease – like coronavirus – perform, or where there is a risk that the brought into.

Health and ældreministeren down detailed rules for the delimitation of the area. The minister may also lay down rules on restrictions for the people living or staying in the area.

moreover, It should be possible to lay down rules about, to rescue workers, home helps and garbage collectors may be move around in the area.

* Forced vaccination:

If the spread of a generally hazardous disease can not be prevented by using less radical measures, health and ældreministeren could require forced vaccination of ‘specified risk’.

It must be done on the recommendation from the Danish Health and medicines authority.

There has not yet developed a vaccine against the new coronavirus.

Source: draft law amending the law on measures against infectious and other communicable diseases.

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