– In the week the bet was seizing we totally 41 persons who had two things in common.

They are suspected of breaking the sexlovgivningen – and they are all men.

– The intercepted are from all layers of society. F. ex. there was an unemployed person, a student, an executive director, a new father and a tourist.

See also: Prohibition politician bought sex on the docks

How to write the two Swedish police officers Linnea and Elin in a very popular postings on the Stockholm Polisens Facebookprofil on the catch, they did for a month or so ago at a brothel. And the officer Linus has added a text about how the 41 men are punished:

– It is illegal to buy sex and also illegal to try to buy sex.

– There are both fines and jail time (max a year) on straffeskalaen, and the trials are estimated often to 40 day fines, while enforced sexkøb costs 50 daily fines. The fines depends on the forbrydernes income.

– In this instance, acknowledged about 20 of the men, and got the fines in the order of several thousand and up to 50,000 Swedish kronor (about 35,000 Danish kroner, ed.).

– Those who are not acknowledged in court, writes Linus, and the newspaper Aftonbladet has actually spoken with the man who got the fines to a total of dkk 50,000. He is director for personnel in a Swedish milliardforetagende and has responsibility for several thousand employees:

– I have done something you should not, but I will surely stand by what I have done.

– I have it really bad over here. I’ve never done this kind before.

(question from reporter): Have you told your employer?

– No, I have not, says the man, who is in the fifties, to the newspaper, but what do you say?

See also: Stangstiv politician bought sex: Can’t remember why