Pharmacies in Sweden, calls on the elderly and people in at risk groups to stay away as a result of coronapandemien.

instead, they must get younger people to pick up their medicines on presentation of a power of attorney at the pharmacy.

the Announcement comes from the state-owned Pharmacy, which has pharmacies spread all over Sweden.

– We have a very high traffic at the moment and a very large sale. Much higher than normal. So there are many people in the store. Therefore people in risk groups do not even go to the pharmacy, said Markus Sjöqvist, who is head of communications for the Pharmacy.

He insists that the orders of the medicine and also can be made online with a power of attorney. It requires just that the person with power of attorney, first meetings are physically up at a pharmacy and register.

Coronavirusset is responsible for over 5000 deaths globally, and it has been demonstrated that the risk of dying increases significantly, the older the infected person is.

Internally, the Pharmacist no other guidelines for its personnel in connection with the coronakrisen, than that it should try to keep the distance to customers and remind them not to sneeze or cough out of the room.

– We are used to, that people who have the need for drugs, come to us when they are sick. Of course, we try to be prepared for that also our employees may become diseased to a greater extent than normal, says Markus Sjöqvist.

Persons with symptoms of coronasmitte, it is typically cough, difficulty breathing and fever, are also being asked not even to go to the pharmacy. Instead, they must get another person to act as tender.

– So the pharmacy is not a place where you are infected, explains the kommunikationschefen.

In similarity with Denmark is that in Sweden also the persons who buy in non-prescription medication. At the Pharmacy, among other things, been hoarded pain medications such as Ipren.

Markus Sjöqvist appeal to people not to hoard and to show solidarity.