Italy is the most vulnerable country in Europe for coronaviruses, and therefore it is no wonder that it has been decided to suspend the Series A up to 3. april. The regret, however, the minister for sport Vincenzo Spadafora, that you did not do it sooner.

he tells This in an interview with Rai Uno.

Football has its own world. There was a time when Serie A would not take it ansvaar, as it should have taken. We did it as the government to protect the interests of. Now there is no longer any controversy, because some of the players have got the disease, he says, and continues:

– We would like to have stopped the league before, but better late than never, says Vincenzo Spadafora.

He also points out that there are many clubs that have donated to help, and this is something which the government is very grateful for that.

– the Sport must prove itself as a good example, says Spadafora.

In Serie A is the players like Gabbiadini, Rugani and Ekdal, who have been hit by coronavirussen.

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