’Can I be infected if I touch banknotes and coins?’

Many have asked Extra Leaf, on there would be a risk of infection by touching and pay with old fashioned cash, so we have asked the national Bank.

’the national Bank has been in contact with the Danish Health and medicines authority. According to the Danish Health and medicines authority survives viruses generally bad at the surfaces, as for example, packages, luggage, and banknotes. The assessment from the Danish Health and medicines authority has therefore been that there is an increased risk of coronasmitte associated with paying with cash, ” answers the central Bank.

The chinese central bank seems to have a different view on the matter.

Here disinfects the used banknotes using ultraviolet lighting and heat treatment, and then become the banknotes isolated for up to 14 days, and the central bank have come with an invitation to the banks to provide customers with new notes, if it is strictly necessary.

Community – 15. feb. 2020 – pm. 21:26 Money disinfected in the fight against coronavirus

Questions to the Health assessment, you may, as kreditkortholder use this card for payment, and as always, there are five pieces of advice to protect themselves and others against infection:

Wash your hands often or use håndspritHost or sneeze into your sleeve – not your hænderUndgå handshake, kiss on the cheek and stuff – limit the physical kontaktVær attention to cleaning – both at home and on the arbejdspladsenHvis you are elderly or chronically sick – keep your distance and invite others to take account