the Court in Elsinore, denmark, Ekstra Bladet: The 50-year-old Henrik Verdun Hansen has just been found guilty in the killing of the 52-year-old Lars Halvor Hermansen, who was shot with a shotgun at 16 o’clock 18. september 2018 at the country estate Løgelandsvej 27 in Helsinge, where Henrik Verdun Hansen lived for rent in a house.

Lars Halvor Hermansen was vanished without a trace in the 41 days before his body was found 28. October 2018 cast down under the terrace where Henrik Verdun Hansen had built a bonfire and barbecue area on top of the grave.

the Court of Elsinore has otherwise closed in 14 days due to coronasituationen, but the court still decided to implement the last part of the nævningesagen Friday, where the conviction and then sentencing must be determined.

Judge Mette Frimodt Hansen indicated by the pronouncement of the skyldkendelsen, that it was a unanimous jury, who found Henrik Verdun Hansen guilty of killing.

– It is unobjectionable to override the accused’s explanation that there was talk about an accident, the judge said.

Meanwhile, sat Henry Verdun Hansen and shook lightly on the head.

He is also found guilty of indecent dealings with corpses, as he had recognized the possession of weapons and possession of not less than seven kilos of amphetamine for resale.

Prosecutor Margit Wegge and defender Michael Juul Eriksen procederer then on the penalty, Henrik Verdun Hansen must have. The prosecution proposes that the penalty should be increased beyond the normal, because there are extremely aggravating circumstances.

When the trial was initiated 17. February acknowledged Henry of Verdun Hansen, he shot Lars Halvor Hermansen, but that jagtgeværet went of accidentally. He also acknowledged that he disposed of the body by rolling it into the cloth from a garden pool and dig it down under the terrace. Then cast he a thick layer of concrete on top of and brought a new fire pit on top of the corpse.

the Trial has revealed that Lars Halvor Hermansen was involved in amfetaminhandel, and to Henry of Verdun Hansen owed Lars Halvor Hermansen dkk 30,000. in narkogæld and also had a ‘dummebøde’ 70,000 kr., because he no longer wanted to grow skunk for Lars Halvor Hermansen on site in Helsinge. Here police found after killing some hampplanter and heat lamps.

Lars Halvor Hermansen came to visit at the farm on the afternoon of 18. september 2018, and according to Henrik Verdun Hansen accused he suddenly him for having removed a ‘important’ bag, which probably contained amphetamine.

Suddenly stood Lars Halvor Hermansen – according to Henrik Verdun Hansen’s explanation, which the court then rejected – with the shotgun in his hand, which Henry Verdun Hansen or else stored for him in the farm’s barn.

Henrik Verdun Hansen explained that he was threatened and would take jagtgeværet from Lars Halvor Hermansen. But he stumbled over a rise, when he took a step back, and the gun went of.

Lars Halvor Hermansen was hit in the right side of the neck at the jaw, and also the spinal cord was damaged by haglene.

the Right type in the skyldkendelsen to Henry Verdun Hansen’s explanation of a vådeskud, ‘has been positioned, designed and untrustworthy’.

Police found jagtgeværet hidden on the site in Helsinge. Henrik Verdun Hansen’s dna and fingerprints was sitting on the weapon, but that was not finger or hand prints or dna from Lars Halvor Hermansen.

Prosecutor Margit Wegges theory in the case was that of Henry of Verdun Hansen would acquire a bag with amphetamine, which belonged to Lars Halvor Hermansen. During the trial it emerged that Lars Halvor Hermansen afternoon at the drabsdagen called his son and told him that he was missing seven kilos of amphetamine, which he had kept with Henrik Verdun Hansen.

the Verdict handed down at 12.45 today.

See also: Accused admits killing the shots: the Hidden body under the patio

the Corpse was rolled into a pool-a tablecloth from a drained garden pool, before it was lowered into the ground and covered with soil, and about ten centimeters of concrete. Photo: Anthon Unger

Detective Vådeskud or planned murder? Drabsoffer pressed indicted for money

Crime Police: Lars was buried in the pool, and splashed with concrete