A Danish man called for by the Copenhagen Police suspect to be behind the theft of an unknown amount of morfinpræparatet Petidin from copenhagen university hospital.

the Theft is said to be taken place 13. march, between the hours of 19 and 21.

the Man described as Danish, 30-35 years, approx. 175-180 cm tall and slender. He has long curly hair with bright streaks and stubble and was wearing a beige/brown coat, black stumpy pants, no socks and black shoes. He wore a red shoulder bag.

According to police, the stolen substance probably in the dosage of 10 mg/ml, and it is used for pain relief. the

If it is overdosed, it can result in breathing problems, and it should only be consumed by persons with prescription.

Copenhagen Police informs to the Extra Magazine, that they do not have additional information for the current.

Photo: Politifoto