the President of the DBU), Jesper Møller, was as the rest of the european fodboldelite in place, as UEFA held the congress in Amsterdam in the beginning of march.

Here he was, among other things in the company of the president of the Serbian football association, Slavia Kokeza, who has just been diagnosed with corona virus, which the Serbian football association confirming on their website.

The information is new to Jesper Møller, but fortunately DBU-president the well.

‘It is regrettable for my Serbian colleague. I wish him and all the other infected a speedy recovery’, he writes in an sms to Ekstra Bladet, where he confirms that he is in good health.

‘I’m fine, and have naturally followed the authorities’ instructions. We do this also in the future,’ he writes on.

The Serbian fodboldpræsidents condition is reported as good.

– Slavia Kokeza has tested positive for the COVID-19. He is under observance from the doctors, and he has it good, it sounds in a press release.

– We want him to, that he soon becomes healthy, and we wish to also appeal to all sports clubs and athletes to behave responsibly, so that we can minimize the damage caused by coronapandemi spreads, sounds it on.

Also DBU’s fodbolddirektør Peter Møller and head of communications Jakob Høyer participated in the congress. However in less extent than Jesper Møller.

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