Jublen was great at Charlotte Møller Jakobsen and Fredrik Holm Koch, when, in the spring of 2018 won the fourth season of the TV2 programme ‘the Settlers’ and thus their drømmelejlighed in Hedehusene to a value of 3.4 million dollars.

Barely a year after they could not reveal that they had decided to sell the winner-the opportunity to return to their roots in Jutland.

Much has happened since Charlotte and Fredrikl starred in ‘the Settlers’ 2018. Photo: Janus Nielsen/TV2.

Charlotte and Fredrik was shortly after the ‘Settlers’ the parents of a son, Viggo, and they have since lejlighedssalget in 2019 lived in a small apartment of 50 square meters in Aarhus together with their dog.

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Now, the family has however taken a huge step and bought a new house.

– We have for some time been looking for something bigger, but we knew, however, first, that we really would like to move, when we saw the house at Saksild Beach south of Aarhus, which have now become ours. The house has everything that we are and dream about the right distance to family and friends as well as a great location by the water. At the same time it is an old architect designed house from 1930, so it has a lot of soul and crazy forms, tell a happy Fredrik to Ekstra Bladet.

It is understandable that the couple is well satisfied with their new view. Private.

– It is a villa of 180 square meters with a large basement also. We are fully convinced that this house remains our for very many years, and we can easily see the us become mature in it. We have just been given the keys, but move the first right into april, he continues.

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There is no doubt that Charlotte and Fredrik during the ‘Settlers’ were one of the pairs with at least artisanal experience. They developed, however much along the way, and they certainly have going to use their knowledge in the new house.

the Family of four is particularly wild with the short distance to the beach from their new house. Private.

– We can move into relatively quickly, but there are a lot of things that we want to make, and it will be a long and exciting process, as we are very much looking forward to. Unlike the ‘Settlers’ are we going to take our time. We would like to move in and really ‘feel’ the house, before we get started with the really big processes. At the same time, we have plans to live there for a really long time, so it must be like to be a creative life-project, he explains.

– We have it super good in this time and look forward very much to move. Now, our plans for the future just on a big renovation as well as to get started a new life up by the sea, he adds.

the Son Viggo came into the world in november 2018. Private.

Fredrik is a daily teacher at a special school in Viby, while Charlotte is in time with his master’s in visual anthropology. Frederik tells his son Viggo is a happy and charming boy.

See also: ‘the Settlers’-star sing: Score three million