DOMMERVAGTEN IN FREDERIKSBERG (Ekstra Bladet): Armed with a oversavet shotgun, fired a 56-year-old children Friday night a shot against two police officers.

in any case It is the police’s belief about the drama that Friday night from Frederiksberg.

another shot was fired in the bedroom, where a man having barricaded himself and according to the police threatened the two issued operated on life.

– If the come In, then shoot I. The first man dies, or I die, the highly animated man having shouted during the dramatic situation, as the first was over, as a politihund had pacified the man.

He was at a grundlovsforhør Saturday rolled into the courtroom in a wheelchair with his right leg in bandage as a result of the dog bite, and was clothed with hospitalstøj after a night in police custody at the Bispebjerg Hospital.

He was drunk, he has during a short hearing after the arrest explained.

the Man is charged with attempt murder of two male police officers, to have been in possession of a oversavet shotgun with ammunition, and violence and threats against servicemembers police.

Henrik Stagetorn asked the judge to prohibit navneforbud over his client on the grounds that the matter no particular societal interest. It protested the Extra Magazine without success against, and we are therefore cut off from to describe the details that can identify the man.

He made via his lawyer Henrik Stagetorn the judge know that he acknowledges the possession of it, as he, by his own admission has received from his deceased father-in-law. He has a firearms licence, but a oversavet gun are by definition illegal.

A politihund may assist officers with bringing the scarified man to ro. He is now in prison, 2. april. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

Stagetorn announced that his client at today’s hearing would not testify, as he was ‘very affected’, just as there had been ‘a part of alcohol involved’.

– May I have a glass of water, asked the accused, at a time before he began to throw up in a brækbakke, he had with from the hospital.

It was the defence counsel to put a trashcan by his client’s side.

During the brief hearing prior to the grundlovsforhøret explained to the man that he lives with his girlfriend, where, according to Ekstra information are two children living at home, and that he is on sick leave from his job with stress and possibly a depression.

the Man is in a psykologforløb and get the medicine.

– It has been a lortemåned, the accused explained, referenced senior prosecutor Mads Schønning Frandsen from afhøringsrapporten.

He had consumed alcohol, drank beer and whiskey and was not aware of how much he had scored, it sounded on.

After a quarrel with one of the children living at home, had the man, according to the interrogations of the man’s family members, agreed to put itself to sleep, in which the family had left the home.

– When they come back, you will find you with a gun, and calling for the police, said the prosecutor to the accused.

It got him to break the sobbing together.

One of the two officers who were called out to the apartment, explained that he and a colleague together tried to make contact with the man, who was very excited and upset.

‘the Police just need to act’, a statement must have sounded, before a shot, without prior notice and was fired.

the Man stood, according to both politibetjentes explanation behind a closed soveværelsesdør, and the shot went out through the door, so that an area on the door broken.

Udgangshullet was over the door handle, according to one of the officers in the chest, and the shot was fired in the direction of the hallway and ushers, which luckily was protected by the carried shields.

According to the prosecutor’s information, there were four to five meters between the skydegale man and the ushers on the other side of the closed door, as he shot through. One of the ushers explained that he sensed the pressure from the shot and, subsequently, as larger hail on the floor by the side of the shield.

Before the shot fell was the man according to betjentenes explanation over out in the hallway and tossed his phone away and then run into the bedroom again. From here he rebuked besides the officers to shoot himself.

– There is a strong suspicion of attempted murder, on the grounds that when you download a oversavet shotgun, which you can get in somewhere, it seems, and afsikrer it and shoots in the direction towards a location where the police is present and through a closed door and can’t see what there is on the other side, but shoot anyway, then you have committed the crime he is charged with, said the prosecutor.

There he noticed law enforcement as an argument for the imprisonment, when, in the prosecutor’s eyes can not have a man on the loose, which is suspected to have shot at the police.

The protection of the defender did not agree that there was a particularly confirmed suspicion in all three conditions, the man is charged with, but would not oppose the remand.

the Judge not with the mild eyes of the serious charges, and familiefaderen was remanded in custody to 2. april.

Anyway was traced in the judge as well as prosecutor’s and defender’s eyes, something that looked like compassion.

No sympathy for the deeds, he is suspected of, which miraculously did not hit any people. But a kind of sad realization of it, that sat in front of them was the picture of a man’s total downfall.

He is not punished before, and a glance at his Facebook profile paints a picture of a caring man, who loves his children and girlfriend.

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