– Dear nation!

I need help to tackle the big problem I and many other people with disabilities and PTSD-affected war veterans – have.

– Some of us are forced to use the car, when we need to across the great belt, but we are experiencing a betjeningssvigt, that looks like deliberate obstruction. In the situation, it seems in fact as blackmail.

– We should get a discount and pay 155 for a walk over the bridge, but we can not get rid of paying the normal price (245 kr) at the barrier at the great belt A/S.

so begins TJ a letter to the nation! to be digitally challenged and feel let down by the customer service, that is offered on the great belt Bridge. For TJ can’t figure out how to click and fill out and sign and whatever else you need to do on the web, and it has until now cost him hundreds of dollars.
And money, he has not so many, so therefore, he hopes that the letter here may shake up a bit in the great belt. His letter – which Sund & Bælt Holding A/S comments below – continues namely as follows:

– the Problem is that no one in the great belt A/S will assist me as a customer and difficult PTSD suffering disabled war veteran, which has just the problem that I have lost the ability to handle netbasserede means of communication.

– The kind of trigger first, PTSD, extreme anxiety, and since the stress that paralyzes the body for a few days, where it triggers depression.

– Actually it’s just a license plate change from BL19919 to XZ43847, I need, since I have gotten a new car.

TJs old car and tj’s new car.

But I must note that the service and betjeningssikkerhed over for me and the people with disabilities target audience is non-existent.

– Yes, in fact, directly despicable, since it is able to be operated, when the purchase of their products, information, problems, type TJ, and the question is whether it is his letter and the nation’s! subsequent enquiries to the Sound and Belt, who has scored once in customer service. At least write the bridge, that problem is now sorted:

– It is really too bad that TJ has had a perception of being bad cop, when he passes the great belt Bridge in his car. We are sorry, and have therefore helped him in a different way than it is possible out in the toll.

– It is namely such, that we cannot help to change the license plate over the phone or in the toll due to the protection of our customers and their personal data.

– It should be handled via our secure systems, which is a guarantee that all the rules according to the PCI and GDPR compliance, so that we avoid the risk of abuse of customer information.

– When it comes to our disability Bizz are the rules such that we must have the message from the Danish Disability alliance, before we can change the license plate. Again it is about avoiding abuse.

– We have other customers who may have difficulty moving around in the digital world, and we assist them to the extent that we can, for example where they meet up at our reception in Halsskov. Here it’s always in the way that we guide them through, but the customer fills in the card information.

On the way, we helped also, TJ, when he showed up at the reception last week, where he was guided and helped with the completion of the necessary papers.

– On the great belt labors we us every day to provide good customer service, but in order to avoid misuse of the data, and it means, unfortunately, that there are things we can’t help with.

– We hope that the TJ with the help he has been in the future come easier over the great belt in his car, writing the Sound and the Belt, but what are you thinking?