Shortly after that the prime minister at a press conference Wednesday urged danes NOT to hoard food in the supermarkets, there were many who went out and did exactly the opposite: Grabbing the loose.

One person was even arrested in a Net-shop in Odense, when he according to the police began to throw things inside the store.

See also: Fights under hoarding: A person arrested

the Danes ‘ bad behavior has given the popular Danish comedian Anders Matthesen opportunity to come up with a fun challenge, as in a short time has gained considerable support on both Instagram and Facebook.

In the video, he shows his so-called reservekøleskab forward, which is out in the shed stands gaping empty.

– Why have you not more, Anders? Yes, I got to know that we were going to take it quietly. So I thought, we do it well all together. There could one be the wiser, says Anders Matthesen in the video.

Community – 12. mar. 2020 – pm. 18:26 Customers, leaving behind piles of goods after indkøbsamok

In jest, he asks if someone will exchange with his not-so-exciting products, so he can get himself some bread rolls.

– I hope you have gotten something good out there, really got stacket well up on the shelves. I should not sound bitter. I have something like a drink mix from the last children’s birthday party, and I have since also some fuglekugler, saith the classic Second style in the video, as you can see below:

– Enjoy your mock turtle, rinse with kammerjunkerne and remember to dry yourself well with your 36 million rolls of toilet paper. Hold on. It feels nice, doesn’t it? To be sure that you have enough. Nice, that’s how it should be, in these times, where you must stand together, each for himself, saith the finally from Anders Matthesen.

the Video has on Facebook got over 40,000 likes and 44.000 shares.

It has not been possible for the Extra Leaf to get a more detailed comment from Anders Matthesen.

Community – 12. mar. 2020 – pm. 01:34 the People running the storm on supermarkets

Society – 11. mar. 2020 – pm. 21:41 Danish supermarkets with coronabøn