As a 14-year-old fractured the Janus Tarp the back of the neck, so almost all the connections to the brain were cut. Including the ones for breathing. Today depends on his life, therefore, of a respirator, and he is paralysed from the shoulders down.

– I have staff around me all the time and is 120 percent dependent on the specialized help round the clock, tells Janus on today 47 years old.

He is therefore also particularly prone now, where a deadly virus spreads across the world, sending thousands into quarantine and put the health systems down.

– the Eruption shakes me in my foundation. I’m creepy and imagine many scenarios.

– What if my mates become infected or come in the quarantine for example? So is it something really shit, and I do not actually know what happens then.
Janus Anderson is the president of the UlykkesPatientForeningen and working daily as a lawyer in Sorø municipality. Photo: Jonas Olufson
No help
Janus Tarp is at risk. It is not certain that he can survive being infected with the coronavirus. But he also can not survive without the help round the clock.

Therefore he has the last week been trying to get answers as to what specifically happens, if him or his aides become infected or in quarantine.

– I can’t get answers to. So I have to just cross your fingers that I don’t end up in the situation.

– Perhaps you have a response to how someone like me, but I get it not taught, when I ask, and that I am sorry, because I’m getting creepy.

How to hit the corona you?

Are you, your family or a caregiver is physically and/or mentally frail and are in a particularly vulnerable position?

Send like name, picture and a small text to , so put the Extra Magazine focus on you, who will be severely affected by corona-quarantine.

In Denmark, there are approximately 2000 people who have respirator and a hjælpeordning as Janus Tarp.

– I have been to the lamb and in the respirator, since I was 14 years old, so I’m fairly accustomed to the stress of the situations. But the more inexperienced, younger people really must be scared right now.

Janus can not do without his helpers. But it is also not certain he would be able to cope with a coronainfektion. ‘The irony is that even though I am in the risk category, so I am at the same time, one of them, it is impossible to isolate me. There comes people in and out at my home all the time,’ he says. Photo: Jonas Olufson