Ryan Johnson Laursen is in time with the 14-day quarantine. Not to have set aside a proper place karantænepoint as a player for OB – however, for coronaviruses.

The 27-year-old backs girlfriend, Karen, Emilie, placed in the the first place an opening up on his Instagram profile, where she wrote that they both were infected with the coronavirus. There stood:

‘Ryan and I have been infected with corona, and the symptoms have been so difficult to notice to start with that, had we not been particularly attentive to start with, so had we not discovered it.’

‘It is, therefore, that we shall be at home all. Because we do not know we are infected before, the scar, it’s too late for our surroundings and those who may not be hit. So stay home yet again. We have it good.’

It is no more, but you understand the newest lookup that they are in the 14-day quarantine.

so far, So good, but in the OB is not necessarily completely agree with. For, according to the team he will play for Michael Hemmingsen, who have spoken with Johnson Laursen of it, they have not been tested.

– He has not been tested for it, but they have just been told that they must stay at home in 14 days. In fact, I don’t know what it is, says Michael Hemmingsen to Sport the island of Funen.

the Quarantine comes at a time when Ryan Johnson Laursen is injured in the knee and, therefore, has not trained or played the latest round in the premier League against Jutland.

OB closed Thursday after the prime minister’s announcement on Wednesday evening træningsanlægget down and sent all the players home.

OB – 12. mar. 2020 – pm. 09:51 Superliga club send all the players home

See also: DBU-boss to the congress, with the infected: ‘I’m fine’

See also: Schmeichel gets the praise of the WHO