Several Danish hotels are experiencing many cancellations and fewer bookings because of coronaviruses. They predict, therefore, a significant decline in turnover in the coming months.

At the biggest Nordic hotel chain Scandic is lowered the outlook for sales in the first quarter to a decline of 4 percent. The original expectation, which was presented in connection with the financial statements in February 2020, said otherwise in an increase in net sales of 1-3 percent in the year’s first three months. It writes the media EjendomsWatch.

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At Sabro Kro is reported to be also about many cancellations. Hotel manager Tours Lyhne explains to the Aarhus Stiftstidende, that especially meetings and conferences with foreign participation, which is currently being cancelled due to the coronavirussen. In return, the company has not received the cancellation of events of a more local nature.

It has to return at Hindsgavl Slot Middelfart. The hotel organizes both large parties and meetings. They have already got cancellations for two to three million dollars, and many more are on the way, says ceo Uffe Høeg Johansen to the New York times.

– Both for march, april, and June, our clients have called and canceled their events with us. And it gets worse yet. The health sector is one of our very large customers, so it goes without saying that we will be hit hard, ” says Uffe Høeg Johansen.

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At the Munkebjerg Hotel in Vejle has also experienced many cancellations the last week’s time. Executive director René Aarby Sørensen will provide to Vejle Amts Folkeblad, that they both have experienced a slowdown in bookings of rooms, and so have smittefaren also put a damper on confining the desire to gamble in the hotel casino.

– It is a relatively serious situation for us. We have had many cancellations of conferences, since the prime minister went out with his recommendation. It is conferences in hundredetusindkronersklassen, so it is critical. And it is clear that it will have an impact. What the consequences are is too early to say anything about at the present time, says managing director René Aarby Sørensen, Munkebjerg Hotel Vejle Amts Folkeblad.

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the Hotel Opus in Horsens, denmark is also experiencing a decrease in conferences.

– We have clients that implements. Today we have a good day, even though we are missing a scheduled conference. But we have got really many cancellations or want to postpone the conferences, which were to be held in the course of the next months. Most want to postpone a month or two or indefinitely. It is a great challenge, for we are already well booked with conferences over the year, so we build a wall of blocked opportunities. We simply do not have the holes to implement all at a later time in the year, and it may cost us millions, says the hotel manager Søren Chapman Holmboe, to Århus Stiftstidende.

Hoteldirektøren believe that the coronasituationen hit the hotels in the higher degree, than the financial crisis did. He may not, however, put the number on the lost conference revenue yet.

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the Year started otherwise good for hotelerhvervet. According to new figures from Statistics Denmark. With more than 930.000 overnight stays at Danish hotels grew the month of January by 2.7 percent compared with 2019.

the Chairman of Horesta, the Danish association for the hotel – restaurant and tourist business, Jens Zimmer Christensen, stresses, however, in a press release, that the outlook does not look positive for the next months in hotelerhvervet.

– of course It is gratifying that the year started out reasonable, but it comes at no way to cover the economic gap, as companies get beaten in their accounts in these weeks. Coronafrygt, cancellations and changes in travel patterns have created a situation which is unlike anything the profession has experienced in the past, ” says Jens Zimmer Christensen.