the Queue at onlinesupermarkedet have been just as massive, such as when the Treasure opens for årsopgørelserne.

Thursday was up to 60,000 people in the queue to get in and shop at the grocery store, who advertises that they put things in front of the door. Friday is the pressure subsided, but thousands are still in the queue.

Thursday was the queue on the almost 60,000. One of Denmark’s richest stands behind onlinesupermarkedet. Photo: Screen shot

Behind the chain is one of Denmark’s richest men, Anders Holch Povlsen, which in 2014 bought into the company with 100 million crowns compared to 49 percent of the business.

Since he has in several years and shot millions after the company, which year after year has been economically challenged, and where milliontab replaced milliontab.

the Article continues under the picture …

best-selling billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen owner of a large part of the Picture: Mogens Flindt

the Latest financial statements show that the company has a turnover of 1.4 billion crowns, which is close to a doubling in a few years. By contrast, there has not been a surplus in the last five accounts, and in the past is the deficit of 52 million dollars.

But now onlinesupermarkedet thus gained its wide fame. Anders Holch Povlsen owner of the online platform together with the founder Stefan Plenge, who sits in the president’s office. And since Monday he has been able to observe that the number of newly registered users has increased tremendously. It is also in this context, that the store has introduced a queue. In a message from the store that Computerworld has brought, sounds:

‘The past few days, there have been a few challenges with the increased brugertrafik due to the increasing demand to get delivered the groceries directly to the front door. Last week, there was 46 percent more newly created customers compared with last year, and this week trender against an increase of 400 percent.’

in turn, may customers probably true that they’re going to pay a great deal of extra to pull things down from the shelves in the Holch Povlsens supermarket. Thus did the newspaper Politiken in January a price check, which showed that the was the second most expensive, surpassed only by the informs that Stefan Plenge not have time to talk with Ekstra Bladet. Instead, he sent answers to a number of issues through an external communications agency.

– How to secure store the employees, who will be out with the goods?

‘the Drivers provide the goods in front of the front door of all customers, calling on and enters 2 meters away from the front door, see the customer open the door and then even lets the customer take the goods into. And in addition, we follow of course the authorities ‘ guidelines.’

‘We are experiencing a very large increase in the number of customers who will act on why we have had to introduce a queuing system, which ensures that we can handle the many customers. We have therefore been working at high pressure to increase the capacity of our website, and our goal is within one week has improved the capacity of the site so much, to all who want to trade will no longer experience any queue at the’

– How do you handle the demand both in the relationship to keep the inventories up and get brought out to the customers?

‘We are constantly evaluating the situation here with us and with our suppliers. We get all the time delivered goods to be stored, and we pay special attention to product categories with high demand. Therefore, we have now introduced restrictions on the number of goods per customer on the 900’s most sought-after goods. For example, a customer currently max. buy 3 packages of pasta. If they try to buy more, they will get the message that the maximum can buy 3 bags. In this way we ensure that we can help the most possible with their purchases.’

– Is there a longer delivery time?

We still have delivery times to the coming days and then we are constantly increasing our capacity to help as many danes as possible to get the delivery of their groceries to the front door.’