Many German and other foreign sommerhusgæster stands with her hair in the mailbox, after the government’s decision to close its borders because of coronaviruses.

Legally speaking, they can money, guests used to book a holiday cottage in Denmark in the coming time, be lost. The Danish feriehusudlejningsbureau Feriepartner has already given the tourists a message about what they can expect.

It informs Feriepartners president, Jan Brusgaard, to Ekstra Bladet.

– We have chosen the approach to take into account the guests, standing outside the country’s borders and can’t get to the cottage they have rented. We have written out to all who have booked the cottage here in 2020, we will not take people’s money. But we want to keep them, so they can book a house at a different time, he says.

Feriepartner held early Friday a meeting about how they should relate, if the borders were closed, and guests had been notified, before Mette Frederiksen’s announcement at the press conference.

– As the prime minister then came out, that you closed the border, so we confirmed with the guests, who have booked in the coming time, that the money they stood to lose, they can be used to book at another time, says Jan Brusgaard.

the Measure means that the Danish operator, whose homes were scheduled to be booked, not get any income in the here and now.

Sommerhusejerne can hope that guests will book their house again for their accounts receivable, but it is no guarantee. Yet Feriepartner satisfied with the responses they have received.

– We have received many positive comments from both tenants and landlords. There are of course some who disagree and do not understand it, but my experience is that the vast majority are satisfied, and we are proud of that, says the president.

Feriehusudlejernes trade Association addressed earlier Saturday sharp criticism against the government’s decision to close the borders and thought only it was reasonable that the state offered compensation for the many canceled vacations.

– It is completely unfair to give us such short notice and to put as great a burden on the Danish coastal tourism, said brancheforeningens director Carlos Villaro Lassen.

Alone in the short term, there are 1200 jobs in the Danish coastal tourism, there is set a line over, and Denmark miss and a turnover the next month at over a billion dollars, said the director, and conclude that it is not a situation of the Danish coastal tourism will come unscathed through.

At Feriepartner you are not agree with the criticism.

– I agree that it is a violent thing that happens. But I do not agree that we can already see the consequences. It is easter, it is about the here and now, and we can hope that the danes will replace the German, who can not come, but of course it can not be avoided, it has economic consequences.

do you Think it is a bad decision to close the borders?

– It is difficult to criticize the government’s decision, I think. I trust that they will take the necessary decisions, says Feriepartners president.

At Feriepartner you can also see an increase here and now in the bookings of sommerhusophold, which you expect to do with the fact that many danes have got cancelled their holiday to foreign countries.

in turn, informs the that the bookingerne for the summer holidays is ‘gone in the stand’.

Feriepartner is the second largest feriehusudlejningsbureau in Denmark. Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from NOVASOL who rent most holiday homes in denmark, but they have not returned at our request.