the Other day put it in the past ‘Bagedyst’-winner Ditte Julie Jensen is a fly on the way to Spain to participate in entrepreneurial conference Seedster in Marbella.

While she has been down there, has the situation of the coronavirus, however, evolved drastically both in Spain and Denmark, and as a consequence, it has Ditte Julie Jensen received a number of nasty messages from people on social media, which believes that she is irresponsible to have travelled to Spain.

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I am deeply frustrated, sad and a bit indignant. Please read this through before you attack me and harm me, to have been on When I travelled, there was absolutely no danger, no announcement about the departure. Neither from the Danish side or from the Spanish authorities. The entire team at Seedster has followed the development VERY CLOSELY, and it was only yesterday, last night, when the Danish government came with an official announcement, that I, of course took a consequence of it.I just landed in Denmark, and taken home 3 days ahead of time, despite the area we lived in is still a “yellow area”, but I dare not be irresponsible and take a risk. I have myself, my family, children and business to think of. I am so SINCERELY sorry, when I receive a mess of messages about how irresponsible a mother I am. Too bad it is not I, for it is only yesterday, the Government took an active choice, but it does not we must be vicious, nasty and hate each other. I have taken a HARD choice to voluntarily go into quarantine and don’t know when I can see my children again – I bleed indeniINGEN could know to this development – ingenKærlighed and thoughts from me to you

A spread shared by Ditte Julie (@dittejuliejensen) the

‘I am deeply frustrated, sad and a bit indignant. Please read this through before you attack me and harm me to have been on the Seedster. When I travelled, there was absolutely no danger, no announcement about the departure. Neither from the Danish side or from the Spanish authorities. The entire team at Seedster has followed the development VERY CLOSELY, and it was not until last night, when the Danish government came with an official announcement, that I, of course took a consequence of it’, writes Ditte Julie Jensen on Instagram and continues:

‘I just landed in Denmark and taken home three days ahead of time, despite the area we lived in is still a ‘yellow area’, but I dare not be irresponsible and take a risk. I have myself, my family, children and business to think of. I am so SINCERELY sorry, when I receive a mess of messages about how irresponsible a mother I am’, she writes on.

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For Extra Magazine tells Ditte Julie Jensen, that she, as a consequence of his stay in Spain have chosen to voluntarily go into quarantine as soon as she lands in his apartment.

– I get upset about it when I get the messages stating that I am irresponsible. For it is the last, I am. I had been irresponsible, if I had come home and had gone straight over and hugged and kissed with my children. But I do not. Now I am in voluntary quarantine until I have an overview of the situation, and of whether I can be infected, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

Ditte Julie Jensen has chosen to take the consequences of that she has recently been in an area in Spain where there are outbreaks of coronavirus. Photo: Mogens Flindt

According to Ditte Julie Jensen goes the nasty messages her so much on.

– I’ve got a couple of messages where people are writing that I am a deeply irresponsible mother. Because I have hugged a lot of people down on the Seedster. It should bounce off of, but I can feel that it hits. For when you don’t even feel that one has done something wrong, then it’s hard to word. The Danish authorities have taken a decision now, and therefore I have also chosen to take account of it and travel home.

The former ‘Bagedyst’-wins the hope, that, instead of being hard on each other can be very, very together in this somewhat unusual time, where the corona virus is on everyone’s lips.

– It is no use, that we rats us against each other. We must keep together by love. We can’t do it here, and it has tremendous consequences for many of us, that Denmark closes down – even for someone like me, who are self-employed. But here is no one could have foreseen. There was no one there who knew it, when we took off, ” she says, and continues:

– If the authorities had said that there was a problem, I was never raised out. I’m not irresponsible when I follow the guidelines that are given. When there are other instructions, I do something about it. So I go now in voluntary quarantine, and it is certainly not something I want to do. It hurts when you have two small children.

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Ditte Julie Jensen’s rocked the top of the many messages she has received in the aftermath of his trip.

– I will be sincerely sad when I read how cruel people are. We must not, in such a time to be greedy and ugly. We must try to find it, where we are skidesmukke. It is not in the here time, we must be ugly. We must stick together, ” she says, and continues:

– Of course it hurts to get such messages. It is the on it, you are the most vulnerable. It just hurts. The main responsibility is of course to be anyone’s mother, so of course it hurts, says Ditte Julie Jensen, who intend to keep themselves in quarantine, until she is sure that she can not be in risk of being infected with coronavirus.

– So I do what is necessary, and so must the kids be with their father at the time. I’m so sorry. I don’t know if it will be in 14 days, or how long it will be. It will be so long as it is necessary.