Fucker porn with your sex life, because you will have pornosex, but don’t get it?

The claim has researchers from Australia looked at in a new study, which shows that the context does not seem to hold water.

recently appeared a gigantic metastudie, where there is a small correlation between men’s pornobrug and dissatisfaction with sexual arousal. It led among other things to the above claim.

As Dan Miller from James Cook University, Australia, who are behind the new study, said:

– With this study we would examine some of the possible drivers of this correlation between pornobrug and satisfaction. Some researchers in the field explains the correlation to argue that men see porn being acclimated to that would have/or expect the type of sex that they see in the pornoen.

– These men should then be dissatisfied with the sex they see in reality, because it does not live up to pornoskabte expectations.

Miller says that there are other interpretations, where pornobrugen be linked with masturbation, so pornobrugen do, that the men masturberer more than they otherwise would have done, which makes that they are less horny after their girlfriend.

See also: Danes: How to masturbate we

Miller’s team of researchers surveyed 661 heterosexual men pornovaner and their satisfaction with the sexual arousal.

among other things They were set, where agree they were in the assertion ‘I wish to sex with my partner is more like in the porn movies. And their sexlyster were examined from a question of what the ideal sex partner should make a list of 15 things, such as try different positions, use sex toys, tagee sexy lingerie on, and so on. The more things you want on this list, the more will have ‘pornosex’.

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This is the results:

Men, who saw more porn, also had a tendency to report less satisfaction with sexual arousal. High pornofrekvens was also associated with more frequent masturbation and with a taste for pornoagtig sex in reality. There was no evidence that desire for pornosex were associated with less pleasure in sexual arousal – but there was a correlation between increased masturbation and less satisfaction with sexual arousal.

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Dan Miller explains that the study’s data did not give much evidence for the claim that desire for pornosex destroy something.

– Although pornobrug was associated with a greater desire to engage in various sexual practices that often appears in porn, it was not associated with sexual dissatisfaction. Actually point the studio that porn can have a positive effect on people’s sexual satisfaction, by promoting the interest of the greater variation in the sexadfærden.

– On the other hand, point data also in the direction of pornobrug results in more masturbation, which can undermine the satisfaction with the sexual arousal, says psychologist Miller.

As the other korrelationsstudier shows this is not something unique about causality.

– It is possible that porn creates a higher onanifrekvens, which then creates more dissatisfaction with sexual arousal. But it can also relate conversely, dissatisfaction with the sexual arousal increases the solo-onanien, which makes you find pornoen forward, ” explains Miller, who will now make a study which follows people over time to look more closely at cause and effect.

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Previously Dan Miller, along with the Danish Gert Martin Hald, shown that the vast majority of men believe that their pornobrug have greater positive than negative effect on their lives.

Participants aged 18 to 73 completed the questionnaire ‘Pornography Consumption Effects Scale’, which throws light upon pornoens negative and positive influence of several different aspects of life.

the Participants had with other words to indicate whether they felt porn had affected them in relation to sexual arousal, their attitudes to sex, life and perceptions of – and attitudes towards – women and knowledge about sexuality.

Here are some of the findings, which paints a somewhat mixed picture, showing that the pornoens any negative or positive effect of high degree are linked together the men’s forhåndsindstilling to pornography:

94 percent had watched porn in the past six months. 84 percent called themselves regular users. And most so porn 3-4 times a week. The men who reported that they had never been regular users of the salacious cases, reported more negative consequences of their consumption. Older users reported fewer negative consequences of consumption, also when controlled for the level of consumption. Conversely, did they also not significantly more positive impact. And as other studies have indicated that religion has a meaning here. The religious men reported more bad consequences of the fact that they used porn, and it was even independently of their actual consumption.

the Researchers conclude that the participants in this study considered porn to have significantly more positive effects on their life than the negative. In particular, three areas of life seems to be positively influenced by pornoforbruget: Knowledge about sexuality, sexual arousal as such, as well as attitudes to sex.

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