Coronavirussen is these days on everyone’s lips, and even the terrorist organisation Islamic State is now taking hold on to limit the spread of infection.

Even if the ICE warriors had been previously invited by the organization to travel to Europe in order to facilitate the attack, advised the now, according to The Sunday Times in a newsletter to ‘stay away from the epidemic’s land’.

Ekstra Bladet has asked terrorforsker Magnus Ranstorp, what he thinks about the matter.

– They have put a new sundhedslinje, which seems quite bizarre. But it is not so surprising that they have a policy in the area. They are asking those who are staying outside of Europe, to stay away, and those already in Europe, are being asked to take their own precautions, he says.

the Newsletter provides according to several media also IS-the warriors are told to make sure to infect as many as possible, they should be sick of coronaviruses.

And it is not an unknown strategy for the terrorist groups, believe Ranstorp.

the Terrorists would also normally be interested in the chemical and biological weapons. Some of the older groups were more restrictive in the use of biological weapons, because it is so uncontrollable, but it is not what we see in this case, he says.

According to Magnus Ranstorp comes to the Islamic State, also with an explanation of the limited distribution in north Africa and the Middle east.

– They believe that it is God’s will. It is God that punishes Europe, says Magnus Ranstorp.

He expects that when the disease at a time in earnest when to the Middle east and north Africa, the organisation will also get more focus on it. I do not expect that they are on the way with more political actions against it right now, but they would like to appear as a responsible organisation, he says.