the Day after the UNITED states announced the first covid19-related deaths, 1. march, grabbed Matt Colvin and his brother, Noah, the keys to their silver SUV.

the Brothers drove around large parts of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and bought all the håndsprit, they had on the shelves in a Walmart store, a Dollar Tree, a Staples and a Home Depot.

so went the Noah Colvin the next three days, and at last he had completed 482 miles on a tour in Tennessee and all the way into Kentucky. Car let were now crammed with thousands of bottles with håndsprit and just as many packets of antibacterial wipes. While his brother, Matt, was at home and awaited the pallevis of the same products they had ordered on the web.

Community – 15. mar. 2020 – pm. 13:06 Store in revolt against the hoarding: 1000 kr. pr. extra håndsprit

the Brothers began to put the goods on sale at Amazon for anything between 8 and 70 dollars a piece (equivalent to between 54 and 471 Danish kroner, ed.) – far more than they had bought them for in the shops.

– It was insane money, says Matt Colvin in an interview with the New York Times.

But the day after they had started the sale up, selected Amazon to shut down for Matt Colvins sales of håndsprit, face masks and wipes. Many vendors that sold the kind of goods, were expelled from the page, and many others were warned that they would lose their account, if they sold goods at high prices. Not long after came the sales side EBay suit with an even more stringent measures: a total ban on the sale of masks and håndsprit.

As in several other countries, including Denmark, must americans now go empty-handed home from the shops when they are looking for håndsprit. The shelves are empty, and on the web it is also sold out in most places. But at the home of Matt and Noah Colvin stands pallets filled with a total of 17.700 bottles håndsprit – and they don’t know how to get rid of them, writes the New York Times.

– I have gone from being in a situation where I did not put my family in a good financial position to ‘what the hell should I put up with all this?’ says a frustrated Matt Colvin to the american media, which estimates that thousands of other sellers are now faced with the same problem and holding large quantities of the håndsprit, as many others have it so difficult to get hold of. At the same time that hospitals must rationere their meager inventory.

Community – 14. mar. 2020 – pm. 20:13 Drukspil has infected several young people with coronavirus

Amazon will provide to the New York Times that it has suspended thousands of ads and seller profiles because the prices had been turned all the way in the weather.

Many vendors on the salgssider as Amazon and EBay has made a career out of buying up goods, where demand is high – in this last case, in the context of a global pandemic.

And for several weeks had a lot of great luck with buying and resell all the håndsprit and all the face masks, they could come near. Until the well was closed down for the sale.

Matt Colvin has ago 2015 earned most of his income as a seller on Amazon, which he knows to follow different trends have made money on, for example, Nike-shoes and dog toys.

He and brother reached to sell 2000 packages with 50 masks each, for up to 50 dollars (336 kroner, ed.) the piece. When they got blood on the tooth, and decided to drive out to empty the shelves of so many supermarkets as possible, until their let was completely full. He will not reveal how much, he managed to earn, but say to the New York Times that his profit was ‘significant’.

Community – 14. mar. 2020 – pm. 18:16 Department with a sick coronapatienter has been stolen håndsprit and masks

The american media have all spoken with eight vendors, which, as Matt Colvin would profit on the håndsprit under coronakrisen, but was closed down.

– Even to 125 dollars per unit. box, they sold out immediately, says Eric, a truck driver, who had bought kassevis of antibacterial wipes, and only will speak to the New York Times, if they just put his first name.

In Tennessee, where Matt Colvin live, is there a law that prevents sellers from taking ‘unfair prices for necessary goods and services, including gasoline’, is it on the state’s official website.

After the New York Times has brought the article about Matt and Noah Colvin, has the media been contacted by a public prosecutor, which informs you that you are now investigating the matter and has sent a letter to Matthew Colvin to immediately stop its enterprise.

Community – 13. mar. 2020 – pm. 17:03 Teacher’s chic corona-the trick: Now wash pupils hands

Matt Colvin does not however himself, that he took unfair prices for its håndsprit. He had set the price to 20 dollars apiece for the bottles, which usually cost a dollar in stores, but according to him goes the money among other things to his own labour, to the fees at Amazon and a shippinggebyr.

– Just because it cost me two dollars at the store, it does not mean that it does not cost me 16 dollars to get it back to your door, says Matt Colvin.

– I think, frankly, that it is a public service. I get paid for my public service, he says, and tells that now he will try to sell a big stock in the local area.

After the New York Times brought the article Saturday morning, turned Matt Colvin back to the media and told that he now investigated the possibility of donating her supplies.

Have you got fingerene in a bottle håndsprit, here is a guide to how to use it properly. Video: Lasse Brøndal/Editing: Martin Ekelund/Maya Westander