At the Oslo university Hospital is the 1081 employees put in quarantine, while 14 employees so far been tested positive for the coronavirus.

The typing of the hospital in a communication.

these people have either had close contact with another infected or been on a trip abroad.

– The large number of employees who have been infected or sent to quarantine, is a major challenge for the operation of the hospital and our ability to carry out sound medical advice, says Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth, the university’s executive director, in the statement.

The large absence, thus the hospital under a further pressure, and the executive director arises, therefore, ready to circumvent the rules.

– In some cases it will be necessary to derogate from the karantænereglerne and ask the staff who are in quarantine but have no symptoms, about to get to work anyway.

– the Alternative is not to be able to give patients the healthcare they need, says Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth.

in Addition to disappear the possibility to hire temporary workers from other countries to the hospital in Oslo.

– It means that we need to address the challenges internally and omdisponere staff to other tasks, says Bjørnbeth.

Areas, as the infected have touched, will be washed thoroughly, returned to the hospital. Anyway expect the director, that the number of infected increases.

– We must reckon with the fact that the number of employees who are infected or in quarantine, will increase, says Bjørnbeth.

Oslo university Hospital has a total of 23.000 employees.

In Norway is more than 1250 persons confirmed infected with the coronavirus while three are dead, and 42 persons are hospitalised.

In Denmark, the government has introduced several initiatives to help the busy health care. For example, the private, as well as retired doctors and nurses, have the opportunity to assist general health care providers.

in Addition, operations may be cancelled, and behandlingsgarantien is put out of force.