Gatherings of more than 50 persons is discouraged in the UNITED states the next eight weeks.

this was stated by The CDC, which is the country’s authority for the disease control and containment.

This writes the news agency Reuters on the night of Monday Danish time.

Americans thus recommended to either cancel or postpone the events, which are expected to attend more than 50 persons.

the Announcement comes after several major cities in the UNITED states have already announced ban on large gatherings – like to bars and restaurants in several cities are closed down. It writes NBC News.

– the Recommendation is given, in an attempt to reduce the introduction of the virus into new communities and to reduce the spread of the virus in communities that already are affected, writes the CDC on its website.

the Authority adds that the guidance ‘is not intended to suspend the advice given by local health authorities’.

At a news conference shortly before midnight local time, said us vice-president, Mike Pence, that will expand the testing for coronavirus, so that there are now over 2000 labs across the country ready to deal with the many tests. It writes the BBC.

In the ten states going to the drive-in tests also be possible, says Mike Pence.

the Number of people infected with coronavirus in the UNITED states has risen to more than 3000. Only the past day, there are registered more than 800 new smittetilfælde, including 200 in New York city.

New York has joined several u.s. cities and closed the schools from Monday morning.

Also all the bars, nightclubs, cinemas and restaurants in New York city on the night of Monday Danish time been told to shut down – with the exception of the take-away. It informs the mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, according to AFP news agency.

on Sunday night Danish time, the u.s. central bank for the second time in 12 days the interest rate and presented at the same time, several measures to mitigate the economic consequences of coronavirusset.

The us president, Donald Trump, praises the central bank’s actions. He has otherwise often been a harsh critic of the bank’s decisions.