The Audience has judged the activist accused of breaking in the headquarters of the Generalitat in Girona during the first anniversary 1-Or off the Spanish flag of the facade. The prosecution asked for initially 5 years in prison and fines of 7,200 euros. At the end of the trial, however, the prosecutor has withdrawn the indictment for the crime of attack on agents of the authority, injuries, and damages. Maintains the charge for the civil unrest and outrage to the flag and apply now 1 year imprisonment and a fine of € 1,260. The activist has availed himself of the right not to testify. To the gates of the Palace of Justice has been a concentration of support for the young, also, other investigated by the protests of that day by the court of the way AVE.

First judgment by the demonstrations of the first anniversary 1-Or in Girona during which protesters cut off the pathways of the BIRD, and, later, entered the building of the Generalitat in Girona and let down the Spanish flag . On the bench, an activist who was facing initially to 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of value of 7,200 euros were accused of taking part in the actions at the seat of the Government.

The activist judged by the mobilizations of the first anniversary of the 1-Or in Girona in the trial. (David Borrat / EFE)

At the end of the trial, which took place in the fourth section of the Audiencia of Girona, the public prosecutor has lowered the request for penalties. The prosecutor has withdrawn the charges for the offences of indecent agent of the authority, injury, damage and minor injury considering that “not recorded” that cause damage at the access doors or participate in the struggle that caused injury to officers of the Autonomous police or security guards.

The prosecutor, by contrast, has maintained the accusation by public unrest and outrage to the Spanish flag. For these crimes, calls now the “minimum penalty” of 1 year of imprisonment and a fine of € 1,260 . It has also withdrawn the request for 3.638,31 euros of compensation for the damage and injuries.

the Anniversary of the 1-O

The prosecutor asks for imprisonment of 1 year and a fine of € 1,260 for the crimes of public disorder and outrage to the flag

The defense, led by the advocate for Benet Salellas , and ask for absolution. Although it considers that the prosecution has made a “first step”, says that he has not done “what he would have played to make”, check out all the blame, especially for the crime of outrage to the flag. “It has been as a thing of the political character that had this judgment because, in the end, it is the over-protection of the flag of monarchist spain that has led us here,” she said Salellas in statements to the media. “If no one would have touched the flag, we would not have finished it in the judgment” , added the defence lawyer.

The activist judged by the mobilizations of the first anniversary of the 1-Or in Girona with some of the others investigated. (ACN / Marina Lopez)

The defendant, Jordi Alemany, has welcomed into his right not to testify but has made use of the last word. Input, asserted that it does not recognize the Spanish court, and has argued that to be treated as a “represaliado political” and not as a “common criminal”. “Their charges and their convictions on what they do is to ignite the spark of this movement,” said the German who has advocated civil disobedience as a strategy to “wear down the machinery of the State”.

“I do Not regret what I have done or what I will do” , said the activist before the court and urged the Spanish courts to “take out the scratches of Catalonia”. “What you should do in the Spanish state and the occupation forces is to leave us in peace and open the way towards the freedom of Catalonia”, he concluded.

I do Not regret what I have done or what I will do”

Jordi Alemany, accused

German is the only defendant of the group “of about 300 people” which, according to the office of the prosecutor, broke into the Catalan government with the goal of “belittling, by picking-up the flag of Spain waving on a stick in the facade of the building”. In the trial, the Mossos who stated that they have located the activist (who have said that they recognize mobilisations earlier) in the protests but none of them have been identified as the person who picked up the flag .

The trial has been seen for sentencing. To the gates of the Palace of Justice of Girona has been called for a concentration of support to the activist prosecuted. The demonstrators were carrying a banner where could be read ‘is Not outrage, it is freedom of expression.”

Jordi Alemany (c), upon his arrival this morning to the Provincial court of Girona, where today has been adjudicated to enter by force in the delegation of the Generalitat in Girona, and picking up the Spanish flag on October 1, 2018. EFE/ David Borrat. (David Borrat / EFE)

To the concentration have participated in previous investigated by the mobilizations of the first anniversary of the 1-Or in Girona, among them the mayors of Verges (Girona) and Celrà (Girona), Ignacio Sabater and Dani Cornella. The rest of the defendants, but, what are the cut of the BIRD that was there before the manifestation is directed towards the Generality.

Mobilization on the anniversary of the 1-O

None of the Autonomous police has identified the accused as the person who picked up the flag

The rally outside the Palace of Justice of Girona in support of the defendant by the demonstrations during the first anniversary of the 1-O. (ACN / Marina López, Jordi Alemany, in statements to the media. (David Borrat / EFE) Jordi Alemany, during the trial held this morning in the Provincial court of Girona, after being accused of entering by force in the delegation of the Generalitat in Girona, and picking up the Spanish flag on October 1, 2018. (David Borrat / EFE)