A Beverly Hills physician who has criticized the coronavirus vaccine has been arrested Monday in connection with her alleged function the U.S. Capitol before this month, police said.

Simone Gold, 55, is facing charges of entering a limited construction or reasons, violent entrance and disorderly behavior, records reveal . Efforts to achieve her lawyer to speak on her behalf had been ineffective.

Gold, a vocal advocate for using hydroxychloroquine to see to the coronavirus, advised The Washington Post she’d gone into the Capitol and would be the individual depicted in police bulletins carrying a bullhorn on the Capitol grounds.

She claimed she didn’t see any violence throughout the Capitol’s siege, at an assault at which dozens were hurt along with a single Capitol police officer later died of his injuries. Gold told the paper she had been worried that the photographs of her within the Capitol would divert from her health advocacy work.

“I really do regret being there,” Gold explained.

Researchers received advice about Gold’s existence in the Capitol on Jan. 6, such as photos and videos, according to court filings. A CNN movie indicates a girl who seems to become Gold walking throughout the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall, while the other record reveals her giving a speech to a tiny group of individuals, court records allege.

She’s touted hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria medication that Trump stated he took because he thinks it could avert COVID-19 though his own government has warned it could have fatal side effects. Gold has stated she’s prescribed the medication to a number of the patients with great outcomes.

The team was widely discredited for distributing disinformation regarding the coronavirus and unproven treatments, and social networking platforms have eliminated its articles.

John Strand, the team’s communications manager, was also arrested Monday on federal charges related to the insurrection, as was Gina Bisignano, a pro-Trump activist that has been coordinating weekly protests at Beverly Hills in service of their president.

In Northern California, a Sacramento-area girl faces misdemeanor charges regarding the siege of the U.S. Capitol construction.

An anonymous telephone call on Jan. 7 tipped the FBI which Ehrke”had submitted a movie to Facebook of her interior the U.S. Capitol construction,” based on a court records.

“A test of this people Facebook page belonging to Ehrke with all the screen name’Valerie Elaine Ehrke’ revealed a video published on January 6, 2021, in 2:09 p.m.,” an affidavit by FBI special Agent Michael B. Miller states. “The movie revealed a group of individuals entering the U.S. Capitol building with a caption reading,’We made it right before they pushed out us. I took off once I sensed pepper spray my own throat!

Ehrke was first scheduled to appear at court Tuesday. A lawyer for Ehrke couldn’t be found, and she couldn’t be contacted for comment.