Close between the threat of the pandemic and global warming, indigenous peoples scattered in the 90 nations of the Earth are in danger of disappearing. The newsletter of “Reading”, on Friday, October 9, opens with an article by the anthropologist Elizabeth Brown. While in the new issue of the insert, on newsstands Sunday, October 11 and Friday, 9 October, already in the App (downloadable from App Store and Google Play), a text by the writer Angel Fornari and the shots, taken by photographer Claudia Andujar tell the Yanomami, one of the indigenous tribes that inhabit the amazon rainforest.

newsletter get the Friday email to subscribers to the App of “Reading” that they wish (and to those who register on the courier.en/newsletter; the App you can also give by accessing this page). Today also contains an unpublished poem by Salvatore Quasimodo, which will be included in a new anthology in the output for Mondadori. And then the advice of the editors on what to read, watch, listen.

The App of “Reading” also offers an extra daily digital only, the “Theme of the Day: today, it houses the interview to Massimo Bavastro, screenwriter, Leonardo Fasoli, Monica Rametta and Maddalena Ravagli of the tv series I will, I will try, in onda su Rai 1 (directed by Gianluca Maria Tavarelli; with Alessandro Gassmann), who has written a book (Longanesi) “twin” of the series. Here he tells the genesis.