Demolition crews seen at two Donald Trump-related properties this week, imploded the prior Trump Plaza Casino in New Jersey and separately demolished a helipad from Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

The Trump Plaza casino in Atlantic City has been destroyed in a series of explosions at 9 a.m. Wednesday that saw the luxury boardwalk building crumble to a giant cloud of dust in under 20 minutes.

The once-iconic casino frequented by actors, rock stars and athletes, opened its doors in 1984, held several high-profile boxing matches that Trump attended, and touted itself as”Atlantic City’s centerpiece.”

In 2014 it was shut down and the luxury building fell into disrepair, prompting its demolition.

Demolition crews had set up explosives across the construction’ constructions to knock its legs out from under, bringing the building down on itself.

“It will crumble as a deck of cards,” Fire Chief Scott Evans said to The Associated Press.

The match, for a moment, was the most effective in town and was featured in the 2001 film”Ocean’s Eleven”, starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

“You’d Madonna and Sean Penn walking , Barbra Streisand and Don Johnson, Muhammad Ali would be there, Oprah sitting with Donald ringside,” Bernie Dillon, the events manager for the casino from 1984 to 1991 said to AP.

“It was a particular time.

When it closed, Trump Plaza was the poorest-performing casino in Atlantic City.

Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small said the destruction had nothing to do with the former President.

“This is not about Donald Trump. This isn’t about politics,” Small said.

The land is owned by billionaire investor Carl Icahn, a donor and former special economic advisor to Trump, who has not yet announced plans for the website.

Several people attended the implosion and a public viewing area was put up in Bader Field where it cost $10 to park a car to watch. Some hotels with facing opinions of the Trump Plaza also supplied viewing packages of this destruction.

Atlantic City Roadways and sidewalks have been closed starting at 6 a.m. Wednesday and are slated to reopen by 1 p.m.

Separately, in Palm Beach, demolition crews at Mar-a-Lago eliminated a helipad on Tuesday that was constructed during Trump’s presidency at 2017.

The 40-to-50-foot-wide helipad allowed Trump to take Marine One to and from Palm Beach International Airport into Mar-a-Lago, though it was not used often.

Due to his position as president, he received an exemption from Palm Beach’s helicopter-free zone rule, which was lifted after his departure from office, as stated by the Palm Beach Daily News.

Under this condition, he was allowed to possess the helipad as long as it had been used for presidential business and was eliminated after his term ended.

Pyramid Builders of Palm Beach completed the demolition job, which costs an estimated $15,000, the Palm Beach Daily News reported.