It’s Beginning to feel like spring up out of California into New York and about the rest of the Nation.

Record high temperatures were broken on Tuesday from the San Francisco Bay region with Oakland reaching 84 levels and Napa hitting 81.

Kansas City attained 69 levels which made it the warmest temperatures since November.

Elsewhere, Washington, D.C. attained 60 degrees yesterday that was the warmest temperatures there because before Christmas.

A number of this heat will move in the Northeast now with New York City hitting the 50s and it might be the warmest temperatures since Christmas too.

There’ll be moderate weather for its Eastern U.S. now with 70 degree weather in Nashville and temperatures in the 50s at Indianapolis and Columbus.

This mild weather will probably be off and on throughout the weekend to the Eastern U.S. with temperatures nearing 50 levels by Saturday, even in newly frozen Chicago.

An avalanche warning persists for Idaho and Montana for its mix of heavy rain and snow conditions that will be creating the snowpack unstable.

Snow will go into Colorado now with Denver seeing several inches while around 8 inches of snow is possible only west and south of town — which is after Denver attained the 60s yesterday.