If there had been half a Gabriele D’annunzio, he would have written Memento Audere Semper. Nasa has instead written to Give Mighty Things, i.e. the Osa powerful things. More or less the meaning of the motto of the Poet in the abruzzo region. The u.s. space Agency has encrypted in the parachute used to get healthy, except the last week the rover Perseverance on the surface of Mars in the crater Lake. But someone, looking carefully at the photographs distributed by the same Nasa, he noticed that the red and white colors of the parachute were not willing to chance. There was a logic and perhaps hide a message, on the contrary, more encrypted messages.

The message

The message was written in binary code, a system used by the computer to dial digits and letters by using only two signals: on and off, that can be represented as 1’s and 0’s. If we assume that the white is equal to 0, and the red to 1, then on the three areas where you can divide the inner part of the parachute letters that, when put together, form the written Give Mighty Things. But not only. In the outside appear more letters along with numbers: 34°11’58” N 118°10’31” W. they Are the geographical coordinates of the control center, the mission of the Jpl-Caltech in Pasadena, California.

The inscription in the control room mission, Jpl-Caltech, in Pasadena

The origin

where is the written to Give Mighty Things? Nasa has used several times this expression as a motto during the press conference, and the messages of social and also appears inside the control room and central Jpl-Caltech from where you followed all of the difficult descent of Perseverance on the red Planet. The first to say that phrase was the future president Theodore Roosevelt in a speech in 1899, when he was governor of the State of New York, and was a candidate for deputy of the then-president William McKinley, who was assassinated on September 6, 1901, Roosevelt took his place. The sentence was: “it Is better to dare powerful things to win glorious triumphs”.

See also

Mars and the magic of realism in the first images

Mars, a season of conquest for China and the United

The competition to find the food to the astronauts direct on Mars


There is a reason why Nasa has not made the parachute of a single uniform colour. The signs of a different color are used to more easily see the angle that takes the probe on the way down and see if the wires of the parachute itself (the fabric of hi-tech has been implemented in England) are very dense and tight to one another, risking a violent fall. “Sometimes we put the messages in our parachutes,” he admitted a commentator on Nasa. “Let us leave to the fans the pleasure of deciphering”.