Editorial of the ” World “. Near four-year heckled the government have further eroded the ideological coherence of the macronisme. The fact that on two occasions in these days of ministers of the government are openly divided on the occasion of controversies that they themselves had open is the symptom most manifest of this loss of compass. Monday, 22 February, the minister of the ecological transition, Barbara Pompili, denounced the “debate prehistoric” launched the day before by his colleague, the minister of agriculture. Usually measured, Julien Denormandie was called “a shame,” the introduction, by the mayor ecologist Lyon, Grégory Doucet, a unique menu without meat in the canteens of the city.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Emmanuel Macron and Barbara Pompili, a hitch policy to the test of the law “as the climate convention”

A week earlier, the minister of higher education, Frédérique Vidal, had created the malaise in claiming the CNRS, an investigation on the” islamo-leftism “, which, according to her, “gangrene” of the university. The problem is ” marginal “, said the spokesman of the government, Gabriel Attal, so that many academics resent a possible infringement of the ” academic freedom “. Banned since the beginning of the quinquennium, these games between ministers seemed to resurrect the world before, the one that the candidate Macron issued a stinging rebuke in 2017 when he complained about “the cleavages of another time,” which had, according to him, paralysed the action of the governments of both the right and left, and prevented ” to bring to France in the Twenty-first century “.

Split to the left

of Course, it is not forbidden to the ministers discussed. In a democracy, it is even recommended that they do so. The rule laid down at the beginning of the quinquennium was clear : total freedom of deliberation in the cabinet of the council of ministers, then total solidarity on the public stage. This pattern is no longer. Fifteen months of the presidential election, the members of the government are demanding a freedom of speech which does not seem, moreover, there is little to impede the president of the Republic. In the Face of the controversy, it remains silent or simply crop gently in the debate to prevent the outputs of the road. So Emmanuel Macron a-t-he recalled in the council of ministers, on Wednesday 17 February, its ” commitment to absolute independence of the teachers-researchers “, while two of his other ministers, Gérald Darmanin, and Jean-Michel Blanquer, supporting the offensive of their sister in higher education.

A common point brings about controversy of Julien Denormandie those of Frédérique Vidal ; both aim at the left, they are trying to split symbolically into two camps : one radical (” islamo-leftist “, environmentalist and activist), and the other moderate (republican, secular, ecologist reasonable). The hope, in insisting on this cut, is to bring back to Emmanuel Macron, the electorate of the centre-left which had supported in 2017, and then partially abandoned.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also ” Islamo-leftism “, menus without meat in the canteen : the macronistes caught by the cleavage left-to-right

The confession is contained in the operation or the social measures taken in the aftermath of the movement of “yellow vests” nor the policy of “whatever it costs” restraint during the crisis of the epidemic have failed to clear up the misunderstanding. Considered in turn to be too liberal and too opportunistic for the disappointed of the hollandisme, the president of the Republic remains in search of a doctrine that would recreate a minimum of dynamics. The endless crisis epidemic does not help, so the temptation, in the meantime, is to battle politicians to the questionable effectiveness : extent of the law, “separatism” had sought a balance point, as this has been happening since like prints edge to the right and to the left, as if the cape was more of itself.

The World

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