Editorial of the ” World “. The idea was bright, by this time the shortage of vaccines : how best to ensure the “good will” of friends in their distributing generously excess doses of anti-Covid ? On the success of a vaccination campaign is victorious in his country, the israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, wanted to push his advantage. Thursday, February 25, he met the attorney general of Israel, who has frozen in this offensive diplomacy vaccine : Mr. Netanyahu had consulted neither the defense ministry nor, apparently, the security cabinet.

the initiative of The prime minister of israel, under the fire of criticism, continues in effect to query. Of course, China and Russia made great use of the diplomacy of the vaccine, and nothing prohibits Israel to attempt. The country has risen to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic due to the coronavirus. He leads by far the vaccination campaign the fastest on the planet, with over 5 million people vaccinated, for a total population of 9.3 million.

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Israel has been able to build on its strengths : the ability of its government, the mobilization capacity and the technological culture of its citizens, a health system performance on a territory of small size. He was able to get quick deliveries, and massive american laboratory Pfizer promised to share with him his medical data, in order to assess the efficacy of the vaccine in real-life conditions.

Tap into the surplus stocks

the Only downside : the inhabitants of the occupied palestinian territories are forced to wait for them, with the help of the system Covax of the world health Organization to be vaccinated. Israel’s vaccine settlers, but has not transferred to the palestinian Authority in only a few thousand doses symbolic. The jewish State has also helped in the passage of 30 000 doses offered by Moscow and the united arab Emirates, respectively, in Ramallah and the Gaza strip.

The israeli government points out that, under the Oslo accords, the health falls under the jurisdiction of the palestinian Authority. Human rights defenders return it back to its obligations as an occupying power under the fourth Geneva convention. Beyond these arguments, important legal experts, health israelis recall that the countries and territories in the facts nothing tight. They form an ecosystem of contamination : the immunity of mass as expected in Israel could not be achieved without the Palestinians are also vaccinated.

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In this context, the idea to tap into the surplus stocks of vaccines to buy the good will of countries in Africa, Latin America or Europe (Hungary and the Czech Republic) well-disposed to regard the israeli policy therefore appears very unwelcome. Honduras and Guatemala, which have recognized Jerusalem as the capital despite its status as a holy City, have already received doses promised.

Israel evokes now deliveries are more important to come to the occupied territories. He is also considering, according to the palestinian Authority to vaccinate hundreds of thousands of palestinian workers who cross every day, the wall of separation. But, in leading these efforts are not counted, the government of Benjamin Netanyahu has lost the opportunity to show solidarity and responsibility at little cost and big profit. For his image and his diplomacy, but also for its own population.

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