Hashtags are a crucial part of spreading the word and getting noticed on social media. However, it can sometimes be a challenge to know how to use them properly. It pays to use your hashtags correctly to ensure your posts get seen by prospects interested in checking out your brand. Using your hashtags effectively becomes especially vital in competitive fields like physiotherapy, where you and your competitors tend to offer similar services. Read on for a short guide to hashtags and how to use them to strengthen your online marketing and get you the right kind of attention from would-be customers.

What Are Hashtags?

In brief, a hashtag is a word or short phrase preceded by the pound symbol (#). On social media, hashtags indicate (to users and algorithms) that your content relates to a specific topic or belongs in a category. You can generally break down hashtags into 3 different types:

  1. Content

    Content hashtags are those related to your content or industry, for example if your services include being an online therapist in Toronto, use #onlinetherapy or #therapistonline. These are not trending or specific hashtags, making them the most effective way to join conversations and find new users. Hashtags like #socialmedia or #physiotherapy are a few examples of content hashtags.

  2. Trending

    Trending hashtags are those related to recent popular conversations. Used properly, they can help extend your reach, but be careful before joining any conversations. Do your research to find out why something is trending before using that hashtag. A little care before you start is a good way to avoid any social media faux pas.

  3. Branded

    Branded hashtags are your brand’s hashtags that you yourself create and use. To make the most of these hashtags, encourage your audience to repeat them in their posts so more people can see them. You can use some of your branded hashtags on your everyday posts, but you can also create event- or promotion-specific hashtags when you want to draw attention to particular events.

There are also a few guidelines that can help you make the most of your hashtags. Some basic hashtag tips to keep in mind include:

  1. Keep it simple and relevant

    When it comes to choosing a hashtag, it’s usually best to choose one that’s easy to remember and is actively being searched for. There are plenty of hashtags on social media. The shorter your hashtags, the easier it is to stick in viewers’ memory and associate with your brand. However, it’s also vital to make your hashtags unique; generic hashtags are just as forgettable as overly long ones.

    The ideal hashtag is short, precise, and simple to spell, something that gives the audience a clear idea of the topic of your conversation. The trick to finding good hashtags is finding topics that matter to your audience. Topics like spinal decompression in North York give you some ideas to start. Vestibular therapy is a niche topic, as are location-based keywords like North York. Those keywords help categorize your content and start a conversation with an interested audience.

  2. Use your trending hashtags

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Image Credit: Katie Harp | Pexels

Trending hashtags in particular are effective at getting attention. Topics that are trending now, particularly when they’re related to your business, are a great way to start a conversation. When you see trends that relate to you, use that tag in your posts to engage with it and join the conversation. Using those trending hashtags is an effective way to get your message seen by a wider audience. Now more people can see what you have to say, not just your fans and followers.

Trending hashtags are also a great way to build visibility for the brand. The trick is to make sure it adds value to the existing conversation to avoid getting lost in the sea of posts. If you have a genuinely informative post, people are likely to reshare it and improve your brand awareness.

  1. Avoid overusing your hashtags

As a rule, the more hashtags you use the easier it is to spread the word and raise awareness. However, sometimes less is more. It’s best to use your hashtags sparingly to avoid making your posts look like spamming. Using too many hashtags also tends to decrease engagement. Each platform has its own optimal hashtag frequency, so to make the most of your hashtags, it’s a good idea to avoid overuse.

On many sites, like Twitter and Pinterest, it’s generally ideal to limit yourself to 2 hashtags per post. Find the most relevant categories to guide your steps to ensure you get the best engagement. In the case of Facebook, you can also use 2 hashtags, one a popular hashtag and the other a custom hashtag for your brand. This allows you to tap into a wider topic while also leading the conversation back to your business.

  1. Be specific and unique

From a marketing perspective, hashtags are a way to reach your audience and engage with them. That’s especially true in case of special events and when you’re conversing with your patients. However, when it comes to letting other parties join the conversation, you need unique hashtags to engage your audience. Generic hashtags like #marketing don’t tell your audience enough about your post, making them less likely to engage. The trick is to incorporate more unique and branded hashtags that grab the interest of your readers. For example, using physiotherapy-related keywords can work to help you find relevant hashtags. Hashtags like #massage, #massage in Waterloo or #sportsinjuryrecovery can work to inform your audience of what to expect and group your posts into relevant categories. Special events may also serve as a basis for other hashtags you can use with your content. Always keep your eyes open for any inspiration that can help you come up with interesting, attention-grabbing hashtags.

Hashtags are a vital part of an engaging social media presence and a successful digital marketing campaign. Like any other tool, it’s prudent to know how to use your hashtags to ensure they contribute to your online visibility. Keep these tips in mind to give yourself an advantage coming up with strong hashtags for your social media platforms. Whether you take care of your clinic’s online marketing yourself, or turn to a marketing agency, it’s vital you have an idea of how to use your hashtags to get the best results from them.