Social robotics has advanced significantly over the last couple of years. Nowadays, they’ve become much smarter and able to interact with us in a way that seems almost human. What exactly does this mean? Is it time to give them a helping hand? Let’s talk about robot companions, artificial intelligence and their place in our homes. Social robots are now being used to assist elderly and disabled people, but they also have a wide range of other uses too. Whether you want a robot pet for your child or a personal assistant, the future looks bright for AI-powered social robots. Let’s see in the article below how Social robotics interacts with humans.


People who work with seniors know all too well about the challenges of ageing. But there is hope on the horizon, thanks to technology. A new type of caregiving robot could bring peace of mind to an estimated 28 million Americans dealing with dementia by 2020 – while at the same time-saving money and providing quality care to patients. Called iCare, the robot can connect emotionally to those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and can track changes in their mood and behaviour.

Hospital Workers

An increasing number of hospitals across North America are introducing social robots as part of their emergency plans. As reported by CNN Money, these devices are designed to help staff members deal with stress and build positive relationships to reduce burnout. “It allows nurses and physicians to spend more time caring for patients and less time worrying about office politics,” said Dr Andrew Prasad, director of research at the Center for Robot-Assisted Surgery at Boston Children’s hospital. In July 2016, IBM launched its first generation of Care-O-Bot, which includes a mobile app that lets healthcare workers remotely control the robot’s movements and voice. A new model called Romeo is set to hit the market in 2027. Maybe we will see many more best au online casino sites having robots that interact with gamblers.

Elderly People

The benefits of social robots go beyond the workplace. There’s growing evidence that interacting with social robots helps adults maintain healthy brain function. During one study published in PLOS ONE, elderly participants were divided into three groups: One group interacted with a Care-o-bot; another was given tasks related to cognitive training; while the third served as a control group and just sat quietly. After 12 weeks, those in the two intervention groups performed better than the control group on tests measuring verbal fluency and working memory. What’s more, they showed signs of improved long-term memory too.

In conclusion, social robots offer many benefits for both children and elderly people, whether as friends or helpers. Also, these social robots help in online casinos.