Mette Frederiksen, Danish Prime Minister, stated late Sunday that historical times require historic decisions.

Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, “has heralded an exciting new time and a new reality.” Ukraine’s struggle goes beyond Ukraine. Frederiksen stated that Europe is united during a Copenhagen news conference.

On June 1, the referendum on EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (or CSDP) will be held.

Frederiksen stated, “It’s now that everyone in Western Europe must make their mind up,” when Frederiksen was asked by reporters why such a drastic change in Denmark’s security policies vis–a-vis the EU was needed right now.

“Ukraine is the difference. Russia is attacking a free and democratic country,” she stated, adding that all parties in her government supported the referendum, as well as related measures.

Frederiksen stated that Denmark would also increase military spending in order to reach the NATO target of 2 percent of gross domestic product by 2033.

Some historical opt-outs have been granted to Denmark from the EU’s Common Policies. These include reservations about the EU’s single currency, the euro (which it doesn’t use), and judicial cooperation.

Denmark’s defense reservation prevents it from attending EU meetings where military operations are under the auspices of the bloc. Denmark’s defense reserve has been in place since 1992, when the majority of Danes opposed the Maastricht Treaty which established the European Union.

In 1973, Denmark joined the European Communities. It is one the founding members NATO, which was founded in 1949.