This was done in record time. She also has fought against vaccine hesitancy and has dedicated her career to equality in healthcare.

Her hard work was noticed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which provided funding for the studies Corbett participated in.

Melinda French Gates stated that “She’s an absolute game-changer because she was at the National Institutes of Health, and she really laid the backbone of the COVID-19 vaccination,” to CBS Mornings.

French Gates chose Corbett to participate in the CBS Mornings “Changing the Game” series.

Corbett said that since the vaccine was developed by her team, she hasn’t had much time for relaxation. She stated that she is driven to improve the health of people around the globe and fix any inequalities.

“I was an undergraduate when the HIV pandemic was raging. Baltimore had the worst HIV cases. I was there. She said that one thing I noticed as a sociology major and a biology major was that it didn’t matter where you lived. “The same disparities we saw in COVID-19, and we saw with HIV, are what we have seen with many other diseases.

The first step was to ensure equal distribution of vaccines. Corbett spent the past two years encouraging everyone who is eligible to receive the COVID shot.

Corbett was told by French Gates that French Gates’ hard work and perseverance make her an inspiration to women of all ages.

“You don’t see nearly as many women in science and technology.” You don’t see nearly as many people of colour. It’s really hard to see what you don’t see. She said, “I think you’re an amazing role model.”

Corbett stated, “It’s an honor to inspire, for sure.”