A surgeon successfully implanted an external ear that was 3D-printed in a lab. This is a first for medicine.

The new appendage was given to a 20-year old woman with microtia, a congenital disorder that affects the development of the brain. As a mirror image of her other ear, the ear was made from her cells.

Experts outside the field said that it was the first time 3D-printed tissue has been implanted in a human body.

Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Dr. Anthony Atala said that “it’s a huge milestone.” “Ears were implanted manually. The printer is now being used to automate the process. This is important for the field.

This milestone could lead to new investment opportunities and excitement in 3D tissue printing. It may also open the door for potential new treatments in regenerative medicine.

“I hope these kinds of successes will build enthusiasm, understanding this is shifting from the realm science fiction into reality,” stated Adam Feinberg, a professor in biomedical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, and chief technology officer of Fluidform, a 3D-bioprinting startup.

Microtia patients may be born without outer ears, or with smaller and more unusual appendages.

Dan Cohen, co-founder and CEO of 3DBio Therapeutics, stated that many of these children suffer from psychological and social effects as a result of growing up without an external ear.

Today, microtia patients often have their ribs cut by surgeons to remove cartilage and construct an ear.

The process of 3D printing is where a machine creates three-dimensional objects from raw materials. This could lower risks. This process can also be used to make houses from recycled tools onboard the International Space Station.

3DBio Therapeutics scientists created a 3-D computer model of the woman’s ear based on scans of her other ear. Next, they cultured living cells in a bioink made of collagen and then put them in a printer to print the ear. The bioink was then printed layer by layer, to form the perfect shape. It is a mirror image for the woman’s ear. The final biodegradable shell protects the implant as it creates cartilage.

Adetola Adesida is a professor at the University of Alberta’s department of surgery. She was not involved with the implant.

Cohen explained that the procedure for implanting a printed ear is very similar to the usual. The March surgery was performed by Dr. Arturo Bonilla in San Antonio, who is a pediatric ear surgeon and microtia specialist.

Bonilla stated in a press release that he hopes 3D printing will become the standard of care for patients with microtia.

The ongoing clinical trial involved 11 patients.

After the trial is over, the company stated that it would share clinical safety and efficacy data. The outside experts couldn’t evaluate the methods used in constructing the ear without clinical trial data. NBC News spoke to outside experts who said that the research seemed credible.

Feinberg stated that getting approval from the Food and Drug Administration to conduct research signals that the company is able to trust its process.

Feinberg stated that the development of the ear could open the door to more ambitious projects.

“The ear canal is a simple organ. It serves a function. Feinberg stated that it does funnel sound into the air. It is a cosmetic result. Next, we will build more functional tissues and organs. This is a higher bar.

Scientists could use 3D printing technology to scale up regenerative medicine solutions previously developed in labs but not widely available.