Netflix’s “Stranger Things,” which featured Kate Bush’s 1985 hit “Running Up That Hill”, has made Kate Bush a hugely popular singer. It is also helping Max Mayfield to find his talisman song, “Running Up That Hill”.

She’s also benefited financially from the show, with streaming royalties of approximately $2.3 million per month, according to Luminate (formerly known as Nielsen Soundscan). According to Music Business Worldwide, because she holds the copyright to her recordings she is likely to keep the majority of that money.

Bush wrote in a blog post on June 17 that the song’s revival had placed it “on top” of the hill and that its rapid climb felt like “driven along by an elemental force”. This is a unique twist in the career Bush, a musician who received critical acclaim and had never scored a top-10 hit in the U.S. until this year, 37-years after “Running Up That Hill” was released.

Rob Jonas, CEO of Luminate, stated that while we have seen a significant increase in catalog music streams over the years — with an average 20% growth in 2021 — the Kate Bush story has elevated the phenomenon to a new level.” He made the statement to CBS MoneyWatch.

He said that “Running Up That Hill”, the song with the highest streaming rate, has been streamed both nationally and internationally. Although streaming royalties of $2.3 million were earned between May 27th and June 23, it is likely that the song will continue earning more as new episodes of the show are released every Friday. This could increase interest in Bush’s music.

“I can’t believe it! Bush posted a blog on Friday, writing that he couldn’t believe it — No. It’s starting to feel surreal.

CBS MoneyWatch did not immediately respond to Bush’s request for comment.

According to Music Business Worldwide, Bush is a rarity in the recording industry as she holds the copyright to her recordings. According to Music Business Worldwide, Bush is likely to keep 80% or more of the recorded music royalties she generates from her masters.