A man and woman suspected of being the parents of two babies found dead in glass bottles in a Hong Kong flat have been arrested. Police sources have detailed that the mortal remains of the children were discovered on Friday morning by a worker who had been commissioned by the owner of the home, which was a rental, to clean the facilities, located in a building in the Tuen Mun neighborhood. .

According to a source familiar with the case cited by the South China Morning Post, the babies were boys and, judging by their size, they may have been stillborns. “The two cylindrical bottles of about 15 cm in diameter and 30 cm in height were found in a corner of the living room, and were covered with an elongated white towel,” declared the source, who explained that “the bodies were found in bottles with an unknown solution.

The inspector in charge of the case stated that no obvious injuries were found on the bodies and that the cause of death will be determined by a forensic pathologist after the autopsy.

Following the disturbing discovery, authorities have arrested a 24-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman accused of obstructing the burial of bodies, who are presumed to be the tenants of the apartment where the human remains were found.

The man works as a warehouse boy and is suspected of having ties to a criminal gang, while the woman works in the field of public relations, according to information provided by the police.

The tenants had signed a two-year rental contract for the apartment starting in December 2022, but apparently for the last six months they had not made any payments.

For this reason, on Tuesday of last week the owner of the home, accompanied by a real estate agent, showed up at the home to ask the tenant to sign the contract termination documents and vacate the place.