Takahashi Kazuki, the creator of “Yu-Gi-Oh!” was found dead Wednesday at sea off Okinawa Island in Japan. He was 60.

Kazuki’s body was found 1,000 feet off the coast at around 10:30 a.m. local, according to an official from the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters (Okinawa) to NBC News.

A nearby rental car had been found by local police. After determining that Kazuki had rented it, the police contacted his family to confirm that the body was his. On Thursday, he was identified.

According to the Coast Guard, Kazuki was wearing snorkeling gear. He was alone.

Coast Guard said that there were also “which looked as if they were caused by some kind of marine animal.”

Studio Dice, Kazuki’s agency turned Kazuki’s web page black.

Kazuki was born Takahashi Kazuo, but he was also known by Kazumasa. He started his career as a manga artist back in the 1980s. He was a successful creator of the “Yu-Gi-Oh!” manga series for boys in 1996. The series is about a boy who solves an old puzzle and finds a gaming alter ego.

The manga inspired a TV anime series and animated film.

It also led to the creation a trading card game where players can battle each other. The game was originally intended to be a one-off event, but it quickly became a global phenomenon with both national and international competitions. The Guinness Book of Records certified it as the most popular trading card game in 2009.

On Thursday, #RIPLegend was dedicated Kazuki.