Over the last two decades, along with internet growth, websites have experienced rapid growth and innovation. Ecommerce websites, in particular, due to the importance of user’s satisfaction, have progressed significantly. Modern websites have now been optimized for being responsive on any device, voice search feature and much more facility to improve the user experience. One of the most useful features which is becoming popular is dynamic websites. 

What is a Dynamic Website?

Dynamic website refers to the websites that show different contents every time a user visits! In contrast to static websites, the content should be updated manually, in dynamic websites, the content comes from a server and updates automatically based on visitor demographic, language, time of the day, visitor preference, any viewer’s personal settings and other factors. This makes the website more engaging for users.

How Dynamic websites improve user experience?

The short and simple answer here is; the dynamic website concept is completely focusing on making content and information relevant and easy to retrieve. Obviously, when users find a website convenient and simple to explore and get the relevant data fast, the user experience improves. However, we would like to dig down to more details in this article.

Dynamic website advantages for User Experience

  • Screen size adjustment:

 In accordance with the visitor’s device and its screen size, the webpage will be scaled in order to be adjusted on the user’s screen. A website which does not scale based on the user’s screen size will put off many potential customers.


  • Language: 

Based on the visitor’s location, through some web development tools, the dynamic website language can be changed to the language belonging to a specific user. This would significantly improve the user experience as the user feels more comfortable working with a website in his language.


  • Suggestions and Recommendations: 

When a user visits and explores a dynamic website, the data of which content she viewed and what type of products she was interested in, will be saved through cookies and the next time when she is back, smart and relevant recommendations will be provided for her. This would create a good user experience for the visitor as she doesn’t need to search the whole website again. This feature is very useful for mega ecommerce websites with hundreds of pages. Providing the users with relevant and smart suggestions will increase the chance of a purchase being made and that will increase the conversion rate. 


  • Dynamic content eliminates irrelevant Ads

People hate to see irrelevant advertisements, banners and pop-ups! They simply leave the website if they find it bothersome to find what they are looking for. Dynamic contents enhance the user experience by providing relevant information and data to the visitors based on their previous activity on the website. Therefore, when a visitor comes back, he wouldn’t see any unrelated Ads, banners or recommendations. This would enhance the user experience and customers are more likely to shop when everything seems to be straightforward and easy, so the conversion rate increases.


Respect the power of dynamic websites and contents

Finally, do not underestimate the power of dynamic websites and contents. Dynamic website strategy provides a more personalized experience for customers. People prefer not to waste much time exploring and searching unlimited pages throughout a website to find what they are after. In modern ecommerce, customers would rather see a personalized atmosphere in which everything seems to be organized for them and their specific requirements. In addition to the personalization of the customer’s shopping process, the registration and payment method should be designed as easy as possible, though combined with the highest level of security and privacy. 

An ecommerce website developer can give you high quality dynamic content and encourage customers to proceed with their shopping card items to the payment gateway. However, even at this final stage, the complexity will make customers ignore the whole shopping and leave!


All these elements are designed to simplify the shopping process for customers. Like we mentioned a few times earlier, once the customers are able to find their needs straightforward with no problem and headache, they will do their shopping through that ecommerce website which leads to a higher conversion rate. As a conclusion, dynamic websites and content can significantly improve the conversion rate by encouraging people to not just explore but shop too! It is also so important to hire a professional web design company to build an optimized dynamic website for you.