Bodegas Marqués de Cáceres has spent a lifetime democratizing excellent quality wines so that everyone has the freedom to enjoy them in their own way.

Today, they continue to celebrate the uniqueness of each vintage, each moment and each person with the launch of their winery brand, the result of the evolution of a brand with strong national and international recognition, which adapts to new times without abandoning its essence. : strengthening its values ??with an aspirational speech for all its audiences.

The objective is to capitalize on the solidity and prestige that guarantees them, enhancing the dynamism and freshness that characterizes them. A perception that over time has leaned towards the more classic side of a brand that is actually much more up-to-date than most consumers think.

“Many people see us as a century-old winery, when we are not,” comments its president Cristina Forner. “What’s more, there are many consumers who associate us so much with our red wine from Rioja that they are surprised to discover the rest of the portfolio: whites and rosés from Rioja, Verdejo from Rueda, Cava from Penedés…” she continues.

In their commitment to recover that perception of innovation, they have created a winery brand that allows them to champion a relevant and timeless philosophy of life, to provide value and differentiation, covering all their product brands: Marqués de Cáceres, Excellens, Satinela, Gaudium… etc.

A new brand that is based on the same pillars of closeness, trust and naturalness that characterizes Marques de Cáceres: it continues to be self-confident, elegantly fresh and enjoys simplicity. This new corporate strategy includes a renewed brand architecture that reinforces the variety of the portfolio and allows synergies to be created while respecting the uniqueness of the different products.

Its range of Genuine wines reflects the “core business” of the Winery: offering very good quality at affordable prices. Everyday wines with soft and easy flavors for everyday life. The Gourmet range is designed especially and exclusively for restaurants. These are unique wines perfect for enjoying gastronomy. And the Signature family contains iconic wines of superior quality. Expert and more refined flavors for special moments.

Its logo is born from the reinterpretation of the rosette that encapsulates the origin, name, legacy and history of Marqués de Cáceres, which will also serve to “frame” its entire communication campaign: to frame is to choose, to give value and to give something the place it deserves. it deserves. And do it from enjoyment, reinforcing the pleasure of living and feeling good. Embrace the everyday and value the small and large moments of enjoyment that we have at our disposal every day.

For all this, the new strategy of Bodegas Marqués de Cáceres puts people at the center, to awaken that feeling of pride and self-confidence: each one reaffirms himself in his own way and reminds us that life is a sum of moments, and Above all, the attitude with which you live it.