The boards of directors of the three entities that make up the Federació Llull -Acció Cultural del País Valencià, Obra CulturalBalear and Òmnium Cultural-, met this Saturday in Sueca (Valencia), the birthplace of Joan Fuster, to pay homage to the writer on the occasion of the centenary of its birth, as well as to share analyzes and reflections and, above all, promote the coordination of the three entities with the agreement of the lines of joint work.

The presidents of the three entities have visited Fuster’s grave in the Sueca cemetery, where they have made a floral offering to the writer. In addition, they have visited the Fuster house-museum accompanied and have participated in a work meeting to coordinate joint actions within the framework of the Llull Federation, where it has been agreed, among others, to “prioritize language policy”.

The president of Cultural Action of the Valencian Country and the Llull Federation, Anna Oliver, has pointed out that, “paradoxically, we currently have the highest number in the history of the population with linguistic skills acquired in compulsory education but, instead, the use Catalan society recedes”.

“But we don’t want to limit ourselves to complaining and denouncing”, Oliver declared in the face of this situation, while announcing that the Llull Federation will promote “an exhaustive diagnosis that includes the linguistic situation of all the Països Catalans, to adapt it to each corner Of the territory”.

In this sense, he defended that “the language will be saved by acting, using it and sharing it”, and highlighted the re-launch of the Llull Federation, initiated with the coordination of the three organizations to present amendments to the Spanish audiovisual law and that in the coming days will emphasize the prioritization of language policy.

The president of Òmnium Cultural, Xavier Antich, has valued the figure of the writer from Sueca as “the main promoter of the concept of Països Catalans”. “Without Joan Fuster today, surely, we would not have fought together [together] and we would not have understood that the language will only be saved if it is saved in all the Catalan Countries”.

Likewise, Antich has opted for the “joint work” of the three cultural entities and has assured that, for this reason, the three “have conspired to relaunch the Federació Llull”. “Language makes us be and, above all, makes us know that we are, and this has essentially been taught to us by Fuster”, he added.

For his part, the president of Obra Cultural Balear, Joan Miralles, celebrated the memory of Fuster, “Catalan from Valencia, Swedish, poet, essayist, philologist, teacher, professor, intellectual and many other things that come to mind” .

“This 2022 we celebrate the symbol that he represents as a writer and great intellectual of the 20th century, his invaluable legacy that gives cohesion and the value of good ideas in our people,” added Miralles.

The three entities that make up the Federació Llull, Acció Cultural del País Valencià, Òmnium Cultural and Obra Cultural Balear, have met in the hometown of the poet in an institutional event that precedes the cultural event of the Federació Llull, which will take place in simultaneously in Barcelona, ??Valencia and Palma on November 7th.

The Generalitat Valenciana, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Balearic Government declared 2022 as Fuster Year with the aim of paying homage to the figure of the Valencian poet, born in 1922.