With the motto “Same dogs, same Law”, the PACMA Animalist Party has concentrated this Sunday in Barcelona, ??Madrid, Bilbao and Seville, as well as in twenty other cities in the State, to ask the PSOE to withdraw the amendment that it intends to exclude to hunting dogs, guard dogs and specific activities of the future Animal Protection Law and that supposes, in his opinion, a “jump to the animalist prehistory of this country”.

The Animal Protection Law, promoted by the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, passed its first procedure last week in the Congress of Deputies after the rejection of the amendments to the entirety.

In the Bilbao mobilization, developed in front of the PSE-EE headquarters, dozens of people have gathered, many of them with dogs, and have shown posters that read ‘All dogs are equal before the law’ or ‘ No to exclusion’.

In a statement, spokesmen for the formation have denounced that the amendment “of shame”, presented by the PSOE, supposes a “jump to the animalistic prehistory of this country and a contempt”. “A ruthless trick that will cost thousands of lives,” they have warned.

After denouncing that “there are few things harder than hunting”, they have stated that by excluding these animals from the future Animal Protection Law “the dignity of these dogs is being attacked head-on”. “The Socialist Party is punching activists, protectors, associations in the face…”, they have listed.

In statements to the media, the coordinator of Pacma in Bizkaia, Laiene Herreros, has reiterated her rejection of the amendment and has defended that “any animal must be considered in the same way”.

Likewise, he has maintained that the Animal Protection Law, despite assuming progress, “falls short”, and has lamented the possibility of commuting “sentences that would now be imprisonment for fines”.

In addition, different celebrities have joined the campaign