With an unusual forcefulness and tone, the Mossos d’Esquadra command union, the SICME, released a small four-line statement last night to position itself alongside the Catalan police chief, Josep Maria Estela, assuring that ” we would not understand” his dismissal and warning that “we will not tolerate his professionalism being questioned”. The SICME brings together 95% of the Catalan police officers in its ranks.

The police union has already requested an “urgent” meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, after which they will finish drafting a statement with the position of the police association. A union that does not rule out, warns the note, calling an extraordinary congress to “analyze the current situation and listen to the majority of the controls.” The appointment will be this Monday in an hour that remains to be specified.

The text, posted on the union’s Twitter account, assures that “we need stability and continuity, and respect for the leadership of the body.” To end by remembering that “we are the second best valued institution in the country and that is why we demand respect”.

The latest information published this weekend, including that of La Vanguardia, advancing the plans of the Interior to place Commissioner Eduard Sallent in charge of the police until Christmas, and considering Estela written off, have literally put many on a war footing controls. For the first time in a crisis, the criticism has gone beyond the comments shared in whatsapp groups and the command union to which the vast majority of Mossos officials are affiliated have raised the tone, clearly positioning themselves alongside Estela.

This Monday will be intense in the Interior and in the Mossos. The department headed by Joan Ignasi Elena expects Estela to present her resignation letter, with which the Ministry hoped to end the crisis. But the front opened by the SICME incorporates a new element on the board after the union’s warning that they will not understand a new change in the police headquarters.