“And now that?” This is the million dollar question that inside and outside Junts are asking about the new role of the party in the opposition after the decision of the militancy to leave the coalition government with ERC. And that question tries to answer the national council of formation that celebrates the party in Vic, in which the general secretary of the formation, Jordi Turull, tried to give an answer: “Now to be more us than ever, without servitudes, without mortgages”, as opposed to a government that, “far from expanding the base of independence, has resigned itself to expanding the base of let it be”.

The meeting of the party leadership this Saturday, the first since the postconvergents decided to leave the Government, should serve to point out the new roadmap of Junts in the opposition, focused on “regaining the course towards independence that others seem to want to leave for other generations”, they point out from the party. And so Turull indicated in his speech, pointing out the need to turn the party into “the benchmark and the hope of those who do not want to oppose the national and social agendas.”

To this end, the leader praised the exercise of “democratic radicalism” carried out through the consultation with the militancy from which the decision to leave the Aragonès Executive emerged and both defended “the attitude and exemplary nature of those who voted in favor of continue in the Government” despite the “personal and political shock” that it has entailed, such as the final decision to break the government due to the “intransigence” and the “servitudes” of ERC with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

Turull was very critical of ERC and the president, recriminating them for, despite their willingness to negotiate continuity in the Catalan Executive, they were “intransigent” and had prioritized “their easements due to their agreement with Sánchez, instead of the majority (independence) of 52%”. “They prefer to stabilize Spain even if it is at the expense of destabilizing Catalonia”, he criticized.

The leader drew applause from his co-religionists by replying to the response they gave him regarding his willingness to negotiate (“you have to continue like this, and if you like it, fine and if not too”): “Who have they thought we are? Do you think that for four offices and official cars we will give up the soul and spirit of Junts?”

Turull warned that “very important” months are coming in the face of the “unprecedented situation” of having gone from having the president with more parliamentary support to less. And despite reproaching him for not wanting to submit to a matter of trust or calling elections, he pointed out that three electoral contests are ahead: the municipal ones, the general ones, “and in between those of the Parliament,” he included.

Given this situation, at the moment Junts does not plan to make a “grumpy Smurf” opposition but proposals in everything in which we believe that we must react”. In this sense, Turull opposed the “resignation” that in his opinion characterizes the ERC Government, to the “reaction” that he identifies with his party. “The current Government, due to its composition, is self-defined as that of let it be. A government that, far from responding to broadening the base of independence, has resigned itself to broadening the base of letting it be.”

Before this new stage, Turull prescribed “confidence” before the project, the talent and the experience that his training treasures despite not having influence in the Government. “We have determination and we have credibility, because how many parties would have dared to do what we have done? This has to fill us with confidence”, he insisted.

This weekend’s meeting should serve to assess the impact of the internal division that reflected the result of the consultation with the militancy (52% in favor of leaving the Government compared to 47%), a division that Turull refuted when assessing the high participation and that “everyone assumed the result”. “This national council is 100% after the exercise of democratic radicalism,” he remarked.

As proof of this, the party leadership invited the members of Junts who had to leave the Executive after the consultation, who were present at the meeting, to participate in this council, and the work of the 250 members was recognized with closed applause. and 300 senior officials from the post-convergent orbit who have had to leave office in the Generalitat.