Oriol, Anna, Guillermo, Jana and Aleix are in 4th year of ESO. They are still not sure what they will study next year, but they do know that from March 13 to 17 they will attend the Saló de l’Ensenyament, the great event for thousands of young people from all over Catalonia who finish ESO or Baccalaureate and must begin to draw their academic and professional future. For all of them, the event brings together the most complete offer of post-compulsory studies with more than 220 exhibitors – 40% from higher education, 38% from Vocational Training – and 170 guidance and advice activities to help them in their choice. This year, the show also reinforces support and advice services for families.

“Probably, the show is the most complete showcase of the training offer in Catalonia. It is an event with a very practical approach, recommended for students who finish ESO or Baccalaureate and who must draw the roadmap for their academic and professional future. It also wants to be useful for families and teachers who accompany young people in making decisions about their studies,” says Laura Pararols, director of the Saló de l’Ensenyament, an event organized by Fira de Barcelona.

The offer of university studies is very present in the room. This year, the twelve Catalan universities, both public and private, have confirmed their participation, as well as their affiliated centers to present the degrees from their faculties for the next academic year.

Business schools and centers with higher studies in cinema, fashion, design, dramatic art, dance or music, among other proposals, will also be represented. In addition, the contest will bring together the training offer from other parts of Spain, with a representation of universities and training centers from Madrid, León, A Coruña, Alicante, Valencia, Málaga and Zaragoza, and from different countries that seek to attract Catalan students, such as Germany, United Kingdom, France, China, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovakia, Lithuania and Andorra.

The study of other languages ​​is on the rise and the Language Hall, the space that brings together all the offerings in this sector, will bring together companies that offer everything from language courses to stays abroad.

Visitors will also find other options for complementary studies, from driving schools to flight attendant schools, through courses related to the fields of culture, communication or leisure. The hall’s offering is complemented by educational service companies, among which the wide representation of student residences in different cities stands out.

In addition to this complete range of training, orientation continues to be the backbone of the event (the reader will find more information on pages 6 and 8). As a complement, the show has published a set of online information materials called Kitbox aimed at schools and families and that will help them make the most of the visit. They currently have more than 6,000 downloads since the last edition. In addition, a telephone service has been activated (931 352 410) and, as a novelty, another consultation service through WhatsApp using the mobile phone number 692 823 166. Here interested people will be able to ask and resolve doubts and receive the information necessary to know in more depth the characteristics of the academic itineraries and the training offer that is exhibited at the fair.

The increase in demand for intermediate and higher level training cycles, whose employability projection for the coming years is increasing, has generated greater interest on the part of visitors for information and guidance on the different studies related to Vocational Training. Given this reality, in this edition the Saló de l’Ensenyament makes a decisive commitment to Vocational Training, with a 10% growth in the offer compared to the previous edition, which now represents 38% of the total.

In the FP space, specific information desks will be set up on FP cycles by thematic areas, there will be a truck simulator so that the public can learn about driving studies for road transport vehicles and information will be provided on professional certificates.

The exhibitors present in the FP area will offer information on studies linked to the health sector, IT, administrative management, marketing and advertising, as well as mechanics, aesthetics and beauty, renewable energy, artistic disciplines, sports, communication, gastronomy and tourism, among others. others. Within this space, companies such as Renfe or Seat will also present their training courses to become a train driver or professional linked to automobile manufacturing.