ESIC Barcelona is an entity specialized in training professionals in marketing and business management, focusing on providing quality education, updated and adapted to the needs of the market.

In the University Area, we offer a wide range of educational programs that include university degrees in Marketing, Digital Business and ADE as a center attached to the Rovira i Virgili University, all of them are programs designed and updated to meet the needs of the market.

With the aim of improving training and offering a quality educational experience to its students, ESIC offers the possibility of taking double degrees that include digital and innovation elements through the higher degrees in Digital Business or Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

On the other hand, Higher Level Vocational Training is an alternative that is increasingly in demand by those young people who want to specialize in a specific area and quickly access the labor market.

ESIC Barcelona offers a wide variety of training cycles designed to train highly qualified professionals in the business world. Its programs range from Marketing and Advertising to Administration and Finance and International Trade, all of them designed to provide students with complete, quality training.

One of the main values ​​that studying the Higher Training Cycle at ESIC Barcelona provides is the possibility of taking a separate degree in Innovation and New Technologies Applied to Business, E-commerce and Data analytics

These additional qualifications provide students with specialized and updated training in key business areas and allow them to develop skills and knowledge in the use of technological tools for the development of efficient and effective business strategies.

At ESIC Barcelona we focus on career success by providing business practices and having highly experienced teachers in the business world. In addition, we use the Transformative Learning methodology by ESIC, which introduces a practical learning environment based on innovation, self-improvement and teamwork. With us, you will not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but you will also immerse yourself in a real business ecosystem with the aim of being able to develop practical skills and be highly valued professionals in the labor market.

One of the main differential values ​​of ESIC Barcelona’s training offer is its focus on practical training. Students not only learn the theory behind business management, but also have the opportunity to apply it in the real world. This is achieved through a variety of activities, such as professional cases, research projects and company internships. In fact, many of ESIC Barcelona students gain practical experience in leading companies in the sector, allowing them to develop skills that are highly valued in the labor market.

ESIC is recognized for its strong alliance with companies and its business network. Our educational institution has more than 5,000 collaborating companies, which allows the school to offer a wide number of activities and professional cases with different leading companies in their sector. As evidence of this, our students have carried out different professional cases with companies such as Mobile World Capital, Danone, La Fageda or OXFAM Intermon.

The relationship and collaboration with this type of organizations is fundamental for ESIC, since we are committed to transforming our students so that they are actors of change in their organizations and in their social environment, with solid ethical values. At the same time, they have made numerous visits to other companies such as Saner Transportes Internacionales, Ogilvy, Kuehne

This extensive business network also allows students to establish professional contacts and access internships and job opportunities in companies in all sectors, always counting on the help and availability of our Professional Development Unit.

On April 5, ESIC organizes a University Orientation Day on its Barcelona campus, an event that discovers your future self. Conferences are also planned in Pamplona (March 15) and Madrid (March 16).

For this new training stage, focus on useful and real learning, which will allow you to prepare to take on challenges in real life. We are waiting for you at ESIC Barcelona!