Organizations more than ever require talented young professionals, with an international orientation, sustainable, with a high command of technology and future leadership skills to meet the demands of the professional market, which is increasingly demanding, globalized and with the presence of tools like AI.

EADA Business School, a pioneering business school in Barcelona, ​​accredited and recognized by the most prestigious international academic rankings, has two unique educational proposals to prepare young people for this reality, with a European degree and that merge excellence in business administration and management. companies with the demands of the current labor market. The EADA-SKEMA Global BBA, the most international degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) in Barcelona, ​​and the double degree EADA-SKEMA Global BBA and degree in Artificial Intelligence for Business, which integrates business management with the most advanced technologies .

The EADA-SKEMA Global BBA, degree in Business Administration, is a program designed to prepare its students in business management and administration, and with solid transversal management skills.

With up to 91% of international students, from 44 nationalities, are in the classroom, as it is a program taught in English. During its first two years it takes place in Barcelona and offers a unique international experience by allowing its students to study for one or two years on one of the international campuses, spread across France, the United States, China, Brazil and South Africa. “An ambitious program for young people who will lead the business world,” says Dr. Bruno Cohanier, director of the Degree.

The degree offers a high dose of personalization, with elective subjects and up to 13 specializations that develop the corresponding skills and knowledge in the areas of: Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovation, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Business Sustainability, Supply Chain, International Business, Global Business, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Corporate Finance, Marketing, Luxury Brand Management, Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility, Ecommerce and Digital Transformation or Accounting.

In addition, this degree also stands out for its association with the prestigious French SKEMA Business School, whose Global BBA has obtained third place in the BBA 2024 classification of Le Figaro Étudiant, based on academic criteria, international projection and employability.

For those students who want to expand their opportunities, EADA has a four-year double degree, which is born from the addition of the Global BBA with a degree in Artificial Intelligence for Business. An innovative double degree for those who want to boost and master artificial intelligence.

Through this extension, graduates will gain a deep understanding of artificial intelligence technologies, sufficient to begin a technical career, such as a software developer, AI specialist or AI architect; and they will learn how to implement AI in different areas of companies: strategy, human resources, operations, finances or marketing. On the other hand, they will be trained in business administration and management, acquiring solid knowledge of the company and strong management and leadership skills.

“Graduated people, whether in a more managerial or technical role, will be prepared to face key decisions that will determine how humans and AI will coexist for a business world full of opportunities, ethical and wisely managed,” adds Dr. Brian Subirana , director of the Double Degree and Doctor in AI and MBA from MIT. EADA, with its two degree programs, will be present at the Saló de l’Ensenyament.