The construction of a “life and professional project” by young people is an exciting process of discovery, which must be infused with enthusiasm, lived with emotion and with the desire to start deciding about their future. However, and in fact it is the perspective that often takes center stage, this process can be complex, in a context of personal change, transition and uncertainty due to different factors: your own life stage is a personal process of maturation, transition from childhood to adulthood, assumption of autonomy and construction of one’s own identity, in which a set of physical, psychological, social, etc. changes occur. The wide post-compulsory educational offer, which is constantly diversified and updated (new qualifications, tests or access requirements, international mobility…). And a job market that is changing and uncertain. New emerging sectors and new professions are identified, in a global market impacted by technology, the climate emergency, etc.

And in this context, is it normal to doubt? Of course. In fact, it is important to leave room for doubts, they are part of the process, they revolutionize the search for answers, solutions, they generate exploration and acquisition of new knowledge. And to leave doubts behind and make a well-informed decision, it is necessary to take into account the following aspects: self-knowledge is the starting point of the choice. Knowing yourself and identifying what skills and competencies, personality, values ​​and interests the young person has will allow you to base your choice. A good choice also requires an in-depth exploration of the training offer. Discovering what itineraries the educational system offers will allow you to plan your decision, evaluate the different options and project your training and professional objectives. And finally, the third and essential piece of the gear that drives the person’s decision process is the discovery of the job market. It is important to explore sectors of activity and professions (current and future), what tasks they perform, what skills they should have…

Finally, it is necessary to become aware of the conditions (family, psychological and personal, social, economic or academic) that can impact the decision-making process and identify how to neutralize them so that the choice truly adjusts to the interests and expectations of the person. person.

And throughout this process, the person young people trust most to make the journey together is the family, according to the data obtained in a study carried out by D’EP Institut and on more than 3,000 young people. In fact, families are key guiding agents in the decision-making process of their children and should apply the 3 “As”: Accompany –not decide–, Help –what not to do– and Encourage them to continue training and in the moments when fears or doubts arise, from listening.

Furthermore, 40% of the young people consulted affirm that they have learned about their academic and professional future by visiting fairs. And it is in this sense that the guiding work of the Saló de l’Ensenyament is important, which houses the updated training offer and with a comprehensive vision of the possible academic itineraries, in addition to a wide variety of activities and guiding resources (from guided tours to the Kitbox for families). The Saló helps neutralize fears of choice and ignorance of real options.

It allows you to obtain detailed information, maintain valuable conversations with centers, students and counselors; It can even be the scene of the best meetings between families and young people who talk and get excited imagining their future. The Saló de l’Ensenyament can become the trigger for raising awareness about the selection process or about the need for guidance to analyze information and face a reflection process.

Finally, it is important to point out that the decision-making process must be exciting and motivating, and young people must rely on the different guiding agents and use the available resources to successfully overcome this first, not the only nor the last, stage of the adventure of building your life and professional project.