The PSC-Units parliamentary group registered a motion on Monday calling for the disapproval of the Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, for his “very poor management” at the head of the Mossos d’Esquadra.

The Socialists thus promote a disapproval that they already tried a few weeks ago but that they left up in the air due to the lack of support to carry it forward. Now, Illa’s party will try to obtain the support of Junts and En Comú Podem so that it can move forward and, in fact, they are in talks with both groups.

The motion is a consequence of the interpellation made by the Socialists in the past plenary session, and in which the deputy Ramon Espadaler, and the Minister, took them for the latest controversies regarding Elena’s management in the police force.

The Socialists blame the Minister of the Interior for an erratic management due to the “purge” that in their opinion has been carried out by the minister in the police leadership, dismissing the last chief commissioner of the Mossos, Josep Maria Estela, among others, in favor of a further feminization of the body. They also blame the political leader for mismanagement when it comes to resolving some issues, such as the concert with the Urban Guard so that the local police have access to the Mossos’ fingerprint database in order to identify criminals, postponed for months without reason. , according to the PSC.

This “very bad management”, according to the group’s spokeswoman, Alícia Romero, has led the Socialists to demand the resignation or, failing that, the dismissal of Elena. The leader of the opposition, Salvador Illa, claimed this from Aragonès in the last plenary session, but the minister has the full confidence of the president.

The Socialists thus promote the first disapproval of a Minister of the Government of Pere Aragonès. They consider that it is the right time due to the weak situation in which the Executive finds itself after the departure of Junts and its lack of willingness to negotiate next year’s budgets, a priority for the Socialists.

However, during the legislature they have not always lent themselves to failing a minister when other groups have raised it. In the case of the person in charge of Ensenyament, Francesc González Cambray, the Socialists avoided supporting his disapproval up to three times, even refusing on some occasion before the commons, promoters together with the CUP of the initiative.

Already with the ERC Government on its own, the socialists have had no problems in rejecting the management of the Climate Action Minister, Teresa Jordà, noting the “failure” of her management in the field of renewable energy.